“The Workers Are Few”
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38
In this passage of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus had been performing all sorts of miracles such as healing illnesses, casting our demons, and raising the dead. Then He looked at the crowds of people who were still coming to Him for help and He told His disciples to ask the Father for more workers.
During this past year, more people than ever have been coming to GMPC to worship, study the Scriptures, and to commit their lives to the Lord. We added a third worship service to accommodate those whose primary language is Spanish and over 20 people from that service have become members of the congregation. Many of them have also asked to be baptized.
Our children’s programs are also growing. Over a dozen children received communion for the first time. We’ve formed a children’s choir. More young families than ever participated in the Pumpkin Patch, the Cookies, Critters, Carols, and Coco event, and the Christmas Eve services.
In addition, we have added several small groups and new people from the community are joining us to study the Scriptures. Our New Members classes are also helping people to make new commitments to the Lord.
On Friday, January 31 we will have our Annual Congregational Dinner at 5:30 pm. Then we will have our Annual Congregational Meeting at 6:30 pm. Please plan to come to both and you will also see that the Lord has blessed His ministries here at GMPC. The worship attendance, giving, and membership have all increased. The harvest is plentiful. So plentiful in fact, that we need even more workers.
This is a great problem for a church to have. It’s also a great opportunity to experience the Lord doing miracles through you. Please join the Lord’s harvest at GMPC.
In Christ,
Pastor David