“Responding To New Ministry Opportunities”
“In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”
This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. 6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.
So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” Acts 6:1-7
Recently, we have been presented with new ministry opportunities here at GMPC and we are responding to them as the first followers of Jesus did. As we have seen in Acts chapter 6 God will provide leaders for His people
Last Monday the Session spent time in prayer seeking the Lord’s guidance, just as the first church did. The Personnel Committee and the Christian Education Committee discussed new job descriptions and new staffing structures with the Session just as the leaders of the first church did. The Session also decided to look for new staff members who are full of the Spirit and wisdom just as the first church did.
The Session is considering a new staffing structure comprised of full-time and part-time positions. Several candidates were personally interviewed by the Personnel Committee and the Christian Education Committee. Last night, the Finance Committee met with the Personnel Committee and the Christian Education Committee to discuss the budget implications of all of this. Tonight, the Session will meet to make final decisions about the candidates and the new staffing structure.
The purpose of this new staffing structure is to have an overarching, intentional, coordinated approach to making disciples. Jesus has called us to make disciples. In response we’re looking at how we make disciples across the spectrum of all our programs, from the pre-school program to the children’s program to the youth program to the young adult’s program to the adults program.
We are looking forward to letting you know more about this as soon as the plans are finalized. Please continue to pray for our leaders to be full of the Spirit and wisdom as we make plans to respond to the new ministry opportunities that the Lord is giving GMPC.
In Christ,
Pastor David
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