Faith At Work
Good Wednesday to you,
We have all seen those signs "Men at Work" (Have they changed those to say "People at Work?"), with several people just standing around seemingly doing nothing. Well, what would it look like if there were signs that said "Faith at Work?" What would we be doing? What does "faith at work" look like in our lives? According to James, it must look like a combination of both "hearing the Word" and "doing what it says." Our works, which were prepared for us to do ahead of time (Ephesians 2:8-10), are a reflection of our commitment to Christ. Salvation is a gift. We cannot earn it. But, effort is another subject. Effort demonstrates that our faith has substance, it makes a difference in what we say and how we live.
On Sunday, I encouraged us to "live our faith out loud." Jesus commanded us to love as He loved. His love was both service and sacrifice toward others. Love is to will the good of another. I suggested that there might be only eight "fruits of the Spirit," rather than nine. If we placed a colon after the word love in Galatians 5:22, then the "fruits" that followed would be descriptors of love. That’s not a bad way to look at the "fruits of the Spirit."
I also suggested that one way to "live our faith out loud" would be to choose a mission or missionary we support and find out everything you could about it or them. When someone asked you what was new in your life, you would have a ready topic, telling them what was new in the life of your selected mission/missionary. If you would like to pursue this and need some help, feel free to reach out to me and we will figure out which way to go. Next week we will be looking into James 3:1-12. I personally find this to be a frightening bit of Scripture.
Thank you all for supporting the moving of the 10:30am service to the beach on Sunday. It didn’t work out quite like we hoped, but it was great to see Tom jump from "D-Day Doll" and land in front of the Hotel Del Coronado. It was an honor to witness and participate in the event. Next week we will return to regular services.
We apologize for the technical difficulties we experienced with the livestream on Sunday. We still have people learning what to do. Those who watched on our Facebook page were unaffected. If you missed the sermon, you can watch it here.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the ministry here at Graham. You are an amazing blessing to us all.
Have a great rest-of-the-week!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!