Just Mercy
Good Wednesday to you,
Life is filled with ups and downs along with some twists and turns. Hopefully, there are not loops, flips, and/or corkscrews like a roller coaster. Our lives are filled with ups and down and Jonah's life was no exception. Jonah's story is a familiar one to many of us because we learned about him as young children in Sunday school. After spending four weeks studying God's Word focusing on the book Jonah, I pray we see parallels in our lives with Jonah's life.
On Sunday, we jumped into chapter four and listened to the conversation Jonah had with God. At first glance it is easy to separate ourselves from Jonah. Is he really displeased and angry that God was compassionate and merciful to the Ninevites? They called upon God and turned from their evil ways. What more could Jonah have wanted? From our vantage point, we assume Jonah should be overjoyed and excited—we would be. Wouldn't we?
Several reasons are offered as to why Jonah was displeased and angry. Whatever the reason for Jonah's displeasure and anger, we can certainly relate to his anger. Anger is an interesting thing. We get angry when expectations are not met, or perhaps goals are blocked. What makes anger so interesting is our actions. People say and do awful things when they are angry. The beautiful picture in chapter four is Jonah's absolute honesty with God. Jonah shares his heart and God meets him. At the very least we have permission to share our anger with God, no matter what it is. God can handle it.
As I mentioned, there are several reasons offered as to why Jonah was angry. One of the reasons is because he wanted God's justice to rain down on Nineveh for all the evil they committed. If that is the reason why Jonah was angry, then Lord help us all! When someone wrongs us, we want justice, but when we fail and harm someone, we desperately want and need mercy. No one is justified by their own actions. We are all guilty of sin. Only through Christ are we made righteous.
Jonah knew God's mercy first hand as he was rescued from death when God provided the big fish. Jonah knows God is "gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love…" (Jonah 4:2). Just as God is concerned with Jonah, God is also concerned about Nineveh! That is exactly why God had mercy—because God's desire is for everyone know him.
The book of Jonah ends with a question, "Should I not be concerned about that great city?" For those who know God's grace and compassion, the answer is absolutely yes! What we do with that knowledge is where the rubber meets the road. How will you share God's heart for the great city, or your neighbor, or co-worker, or family every day? Let's do it together, extending grace and mercy to everyone God brings in our path.
Again, I am thankful for all your encouraging words on Sunday. Worshiping together is a tremendous blessing. Next Sunday, we will pick up a "character study" in the book of Philemon (all 25 verses). Also, please remember that we will also be switching the Livestream to 10:30am this coming Sunday. I look forward to worshiping with you, whether in person or online!
Pastor John
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!