Good Wednesday to you,
I trust you all had a very happy Christmas this past week. We had a wonderful time with all our family here. It was especially joyful for us to light the Advent candles on Christmas Eve with the "men in kilts!" Heidi and Louis returned to Seattle yesterday, and Andrew returns to South Korea on Friday. Jody and I are a bit discombobulated as the Kirk House kitchen and laundry room are in the process of renovation. We will be living a bit of a "nomad" lifestyle for a couple of months. Your prayers are welcomed and encouraged!
This past Sunday we sang. We sang about our faith. We sang to the glory of God. I think it is safe to say that 2021 did not turn out as we had hoped. In spite of early evidence, I remain hopeful for 2022. This coming Sunday I will begin a series on doctrine and theology. Knowing what we believe and why we believe it is important. If someone asks you if you believe the Bible is the Word of God, and you say, "Yes," are you prepared for the follow-up question, "Why do you believe that?" I hope to provide you with some answers to questions like that and others.
For this series, I have chosen to use the Gospel According to John as a backdrop. This is new territory for me. There will be Sundays where we will examine the same text, but looking at different aspects of theological truth. I will attempt to move chronologically through this gospel. The passage for this Sunday will be John 1:1-5 and we will look at the authority of Scripture. Again, your prayers will be welcomed.
Each year, several people attempt to "read through the Bible in a year." There are many reading plans available. If you are interested, here is a link with some examples for you.
Well done to all who supported the Alternative Christmas Market this year. We are still calculating the final numbers, but it looks like this was our most successful market ever! I am so encouraged by your faithful generosity. This Sunday I will report.
If you have not returned your stewardship commitment card for 2022, you can make a pledge online, or return the card to the office. We are shaping up the New Year's budget as we speak. You still have a couple of days to make a year-end-gift to Graham as well. We are hopeful to finish in the black and have a bit of a jump for the next year!
As difficult as the year has been, we have made it through together. I am grateful.
Have a great day, and a Happy New Year!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David