Good Wednesday to you!
I believe in miracles. Do you?
There are many miracles recorded in the Bible, and many more down through history. I shared on Sunday the miracle of my mother living 30 years more when she was given 6 weeks to 6 months to live after her cancer surgery. Many of you have your own miracle stories to tell.
This past Sunday we looked at the first miracle Jesus performed during His earthly ministry – turning water into wine. Taking the stone jars of water used for external purification rites and turning that water into wine, Jesus foreshadows the sacrament of communion. External purification without internal transformation is an exercise in futility.
This past Sunday we looked a little deeper into the various atonement theories. That God desires to be reconciled with the world God created is clear throughout the Bible. As I have repeatedly said, I have five fundamental truths I rest my faith upon: Jesus is fully God and fully man, the Bible is the first and final authority in all areas of life and faith, Jesus died on the cross for our sins (atonement), Jesus bodily rose from the grave three days later, and one day, Jesus will bodily return to fully establish His kingdom.
While some miracles truly defy the laws of nature, other miracles are born of generosity. At the beginning of the service on Sunday, Ken Ireland challenged us to "imagine" a youth facility (complete with 28 parking spaces) just across the street from our sanctuary. This next Sunday we will be asking for pledges (to be paid over the next two years) to make that imagination become a reality. We are hoping to raise $2.5 million in pledges. We have a short window to commit to this project or lose the opportunity. This would be a miracle of generosity! Please prayerfully consider your participation in this project and if you are willing, fill out this commitment form. For more information on this project, please contact Ken Ireland.
This next week we will be looking at the uncomfortable topic of sin through the lens of John 2:12-25. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!