Follow the Leader
Good Wednesday to you!
"Follow the leader" may have been a fun game when we were younger, but whom we chose to follow as adults has eternal consequences. In His exchange with the religious leaders of the day, Jesus used their understanding of the Law, and in particular their gracious exemption, "allowing" God to operate outside the Law, to put forth His own identity as God. "My Father is always at His work to the very day, and I, too, am working" (John 5:17). The Sabbath, indeed, the entire Ten Commandments, were written for us, that we might thrive within God's creation. Teaching us how to live within God's precepts, while punctuating the "Law" with grace, and dying for our sins on the cross were two of Jesus' most important reasons for incarnation. "The Word, that was with God, that was God…became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:1; 14). To see Jesus is to see the Father, because Jesus and the Father are one (John 14:9-10). I would invite you to seriously consider who it is you are following. Today is the day to choose anew to follow Jesus.
What does that mean for our Sabbath rest? It is always timely to do good, even on the Sabbath. The command to rest on the Sabbath was an invitation for us to cease working. I suggested that doing something that is self-serving was most likely a violation of the Fourth Commandment, but doing something for others, to will the good of another, should be encouraged 24/7. Next week, we will continue our "deep dive," looking at the various testimonies concerning Jesus as we conclude our time in the 5th chapter of John (5:31-47).
Thank you for your continued prayers. I still find myself fatigued throughout the day, but I am feeling stronger day by day. No doubt, your prayers are being answered. Please continue.
Your ongoing support of the ministries of Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church is much appreciated. Although we have returned to passing communion elements, we have not passed an offering plate since March 15, 2020. As we look toward the future, your support has never been more important. Some of you are mailing your financial gifts to Graham, others are giving online. However you choose to give, we are grateful. Please continue to pray for our worshiping community, and the pastor God has already chosen!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers with gratitude and joy.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!