Good Wednesday to you!
We all know that it is not a good idea to go to the grocery store when we are hungry. When we do, we almost always buy more than we need. I suggested Sunday that we should not vote when we are "hungry" either. When Jesus fed the five thousand, He was setting them up for a lesson on their spiritual diet. They we so excited by the miracle working rabbi from Nazareth, who fed an army and healed the sick, that they were certain Jesus was their next earthly king. But Jesus knew they needed more than a political solution for their problems.
The same is true for us today. We are hungry for leadership and all we get are politicians. (Remember, a statesman is distinguished from a mere politician by four qualities: a bedrock of principles, a moral compass, a vision, and the ability to create a consensus to achieve that vision. Thank you, Dr. J. Rufus Fears.) Engaging our culture with a conscience that is held captive to the Word of God is essential. This is especially important as we vote next week and in the Fall. Jesus refused to be the king they wanted, so He could be the King they (we) needed.
Please read the rest of the 6th chapter of John's gospel. We will continue to discuss our diet (both physical and spiritual) next week. (Be sure to wear red this next Sunday. We will be celebrating Pentecost!)
I know you will continue to be in prayer for the people of Uvalde and Buffalo. Please also pray for marriages, families, and the Church. It is worth repeating – as the marriage goes, so goes the family. As the family goes, so goes the Church. As the Church goes, so goes the nation.
God is faithful, and God is sovereign. Let us continue to seek the Lord we need, and not the lord we want, especially when we don’t get the answers we want when we pray. We have work to do.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!