The Source
Good Wednesday to you,
A "source" is a point of reference, a primary reference, the thing from which something comes. In this 6th chapter of John's gospel, we see a shift in the teaching of Jesus causing people to start turning away because it gets hard. Eating His flesh? Drinking His blood? They are thinking physically whereas Jesus is talking spiritually. He is declaring Himself to be "The Source" of Eternal Life, Bread of Heaven, the Wisdom of the Ages. He is looking for a complete commitment and the people grumble. Jesus is not meeting their expectations. He is blocking their goals, He is not answering all their questions. They are losing control of the situation and they are afraid. Living in what amounts to a "police state," there is a lot of uncertainty in their lives. They wanted Jesus to change that for them. But He could not be the king they wanted. He would be the King they needed. Not one to free them from political problems, He would be the One who would free them from the spiritual problem of slavery to sin, reconciling them to God, bringing forgiveness, mercy, and peace into the world.
Like a marriage, Jesus asks for a complete commitment. I, David, take Jesus to be my Savior, not having all my questions answered, but having enough answers to trust Jesus for the ones I lack. Like Peter, I recognize that Jesus alone is the Source. He alone has the words of eternal life. I know I will still get hurt, be disappointed and betrayed in this world, but I am convinced that Jesus is able to redeem everything I experience, for better or worse, in abundance and in need, in sickness and in health, for His purposes. This is what it means for us to be followers of Jesus, disciples, apprentices. It is a total commitment. "Are we there yet?" I can't wait to pick up in the 7th chapter when I return from Scotland in August.
As I write this, I am preparing to take the Mack's to the airport in Edinburgh. Next Sunday, Pastor Keith will be taking you on a journey in Paul's letter to Philippians. Please be praying for their safe arrival.
Also, remember that praying for the process and the next pastor will begin this coming Sunday, in the Parish Hall, from 10:10-10:25. Can 15 minutes of prayer make a difference? You bet it can. But don't stop there. Please continue to pray for this process -- that God would supply the pastor Graham Memorial needs for the next season of ministry. Also, please continue praying for Jody and me as we move into retirement.
You are an amazing blessing to me. Take care of the Mack's. Love them like you love us, and your summer will be blessed.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!