Good Wednesday to you,
Where will we spend eternity? Where will our loved ones spend eternity? Is there more to life than what we are experiencing here on earth?
This past Sunday I dealt with these questions and the purpose of our community here at Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church. It is important because eternity hangs in the balance. Not only knowing who Jesus is, but knowing Jesus personally is crucial to answering these questions. A worshiping community is a place to learn, to grow, and to spend time with like-minded believers so we may openly live out our faith. Jesus said He was not of this world. We are in the world, but not of the world. Being transformed helps us to have the abundant life Jesus promises those who follow Him.
The world is a crazy place and sometimes we wonder what God is up to. This is when we need to lean in and trust Him more. God is transforming lives, and we are contributing to that transformation. Every aspect of ministry contributes to transforming lives – the Thrift Cottage, the Choir, the Elders and Deacons, every Bible study, every youth gathering, every child gathering – all making an eternal difference.
As we look forward to new adventures moving forward, remember, it cannot happen without you. Sharing your time, your talents and your treasures ensures the continuation of work here at Graham. Sometime this week, you will receive the last stewardship letter I will write to you. Please read it carefully and prayerfully. We, collectively, are the body of Christ. I urge you to stand together during this transitional time, so that the next pastor might find a united body, "fresh tilled soil," and the resources to move into the next chapter of ministry on the corner of Tenth and C.
Some will be tempted to leave when I retire. Please do not! It is critical that you remain strong during the interim phase and be ready to call the next pastor. Some of you have said there is no one who could replace me. In one sense, that is true. No one can replace you either! But someone can and will follow me to lead you into the future. Be here to welcome the new pastor with open hearts and praying spirits.
God has been faithful during the past few years to keep ministry alive during the pandemic. Now is the time to step up and hold together. Remember, God loves Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church more than all of us put together. If you do not receive a stewardship letter, let me know. I can email you one, or you can go here and make a pledge for the coming year. Jody and I are making a pledge and we won’t even be here. Please join us to keep life-transforming ministries strong during this time of transition.
One of the things that keeps us strong is gathering. On October 1, we will be having our All-Church Picnic from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. Click here to register. Smoked meat is coming your way! Bounce houses, face painting, and Zorbs await! I hope to see you there.
May your day be filled with blessings, both expected and unexpected.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!