Good Wednesday to you,
We all know the value of a good education, and a credential or diploma from a prestigious school can go a long way toward establishing one's credibility. But resting on the laurels of one's teachers can only take one so far.
When Jesus showed up teaching, the people were amazed. They wondered how He had gained such knowledge and authority without attending a rabbinical school. His teachings and His authority come from the One who sent Him. Those who truly sought God's will would know the Source of His teaching and authority.
To "sit at the feet" of Jesus is still available today. As we "drink in" the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) or spend time in the final discourse between Jesus and his disciples (John 14-17), we will come to know, not only the Source of Jesus' authority, we will come to know Jesus more intimately.
Learning to live within the moral precepts outlined in God's Word -- punctuated by grace -- is the evidence of a true disciple. As we read, study, listen, and pray for application of God's Word, our lives are transformed to reflect Jesus. We become more and more like him. This is the "school of discipleship" we must enroll in daily as we seek to live in God's kingdom. Next Sunday, we will continue in the seventh chapter (John 7:32-52), searching for the "Streams of Living Water."
May your week be filled with blessings.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
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