The Family Plan
Good Wednesday to you,
I mentioned on Sunday the tremendous growth and transformation the telephone has gone through over the years – from party lines to family plans, we live in an amazing time when we can talk to people around the world in mere seconds. Of course, this is nothing new for us. We have been able to communicate with God beyond the universe in mere seconds thanks to Jesus!
No longer do we need to concern ourselves with tabernacles, temples, cathedrals, or sanctuaries. No longer do we need to concern ourselves with the sacrifices of priests or an annual sacrifice from the high priest. Through Jesus and His personal sacrifice, we have been grafted into the "priesthood of all believers" and granted full access to God. We boldly approach the Throne of Grace with confidence. Now our bodies are the temples and we offer ourselves as "living sacrifices" as we serve, sacrifice, and love in God’s name. With God's Laws written on our hearts and minds, we strive to accept personal responsibility. With personal responsibility, we strive to be just people who love mercy and walk humbly with God. This is kingdom living at its best!
This next Sunday we will finish the 9th chapter of Hebrews, and celebrate communion together. You may bring your own elements into worship, but our Deacons will have individually prepared elements for any who want them. Challenging times require extraordinary actions.
So many are volunteering around the campus, and I cannot offer enough praise and thanks. I am profoundly grateful to the staff for their tireless efforts to keep ministry happening during this pandemic. The sanctuary is open under State guidelines and we are holding two services each Sunday. We are not yet able to offer childcare, but hopefully soon. I covet your prayers and your support as we move forward for God's glory. I am hoping to "see" you Sunday.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.