Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Marvelous Mystery

Good Wednesday to you, 
Mysteries can be exciting and frustrating all at the same time. They capture our imagination and draw us into the narrative—and the first thing we want to do is solve the biggest question—"who did it?" Or, in our cause on Sunday, who is this Melchizedek? Inquiring minds want to know.
In carefully reading the passage, we learn Melchizedek’s name means "King of Righteousness" and he is the "King of Salem." Salem is the Hebrew word for peace (or Shalom). We also learn he is a Priest of God Most High.  The piece of the puzzle that makes Melchizedek so mysterious is Hebrews 7:3, "Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever." Coupled with a very quick appearance in Genesis 14, Melchizedek can seem more eerie than mysterious.
Keeping the big picture in mind as we pick up the clues on who this marvelous mystery man is, the author of Hebrews points to Melchizedek as a Priest of God Most High. How could Melchizedek be a Priest? He is not from the line of Aaron. But it was not possible—Aaron did not exist yet. The priestly laws were not in place when Abraham gave a tenth of the spoil to Melchizedek. Aaron is hundreds of years after Abraham! Even so, the author tells us, the patriarch of our faith, Abraham, honored Melchizedek as priest!
The role of Priest for Melchizedek did not depend on pedigree, but rather on character and calling. Likewise, Jesus also fills the role of Priest—not because of genealogy, but based on calling and character as the true (and final) King of Righteousness and Peace. Jesus is the one who Melchizedek is pointing us to for eternal peace. And we are blessed because through Jesus, the King of Righteousness, we gain access to peace!
Just as Melchizedek points us to Jesus, I hope you have taken the opportunity to share with someone how they have pointed you to Jesus this week. This coming Sunday, we pick up right where we left off with Hebrews 7:11-28.

Many of you have read and heard the impact of the Supreme Court rulings this past week. As our state continues to open sectors of the economy, we will continue to follow the guidelines of masks and social distancing. We will continue to livestream the 9:00 a.m. service and provide outdoor seating for both the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. service options. We know how important it is to gather together, be it online or in-person, and we will continue to create as many opportunities to that end. 
Pastor John 

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

At Anchor

Good Wednesday to you,

He Is Risen!  He Is Risen Indeed!
The Church gathered together was most certainly a wonderful celebration—when I say Church, you know I mean God’s people all around the world—because there is only one Church! What a joy it was to hear other worshiping communities celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. 
It started with a promise to a man named Abraham. "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you…all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you." With Abraham, God broke the cycle, changing the trajectory of history, and on Easter Sunday that promise came to fulfillment. It is finished!
The Resurrection changed everything. The Resurrection affirms and confirms who Jesus is as the final sacrifice for our sins. We have this hope as an anchor for our souls, firm and secure. Jesus entered the inner sanctuary behind the curtain on our behalf. He became the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. Through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection we cling to God’s immutable character and our hope is anchored.
As many of you already know, San Diego County is officially in Tier 2: Orange. What does this mean for us? It means an increased attendance capacity from 25% to 50%. We will continue to livestream and provide outdoor seating—all are welcome to worship in the way they are most comfortable. 
This Sunday we will celebrate communion and continue our journey through Hebrews, looking specifically at chapter 7 verses 1-10. Communion elements will be made available for anyone who would like to participate. However, you are welcome to bring your own.
Lastly, a special thank you to Kimberlee, the praise team, musicians, and all those who volunteered to make Easter special. From the lilies, to the beautiful cross outside the sanctuary decorated with flowers, to the trumpets—it was a glorious day. To God be all honor and glory!
He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Wild Rides

Good Wednesday to you,

Are you a rollercoaster fan? Well, hang on tightly because life is one big rollercoaster ride. It is filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, and it's totally unpredictable. While some folks like to ride rollercoasters with their hands waving up in the air, we all need something to hang onto for life’s ride. I highly recommend hanging on to faith in Jesus Christ.

This past week we looked at the first 12 verses of Hebrews 6 in light of Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Those early followers of Jesus were on the "rollercoaster ride" of their lives. They watched (and listened) as Jesus healed, restored and provided for thousands during His earthly ministry. While they cheered when He entered Jerusalem, they would be jeering less than a week later. Many people, who started on the journey of faith with Jesus, peeled off when the teachings about forgiveness, praying for enemies, service and sacrifice began to emerge in Jesus' teaching. The author of Hebrews suggests that it is impossible for those who came so close to ever come back to a right relationship with God. Fortunately, what is impossible for human beings is not impossible for God! (Matthew 19:26).

Given a solid foundation and a strong community, we can hang on in spite of what we see going on around us. God has promised to never leave us or forsake us, and nothing can separate us from God’s love that is ours in Christ Jesus.

We have entered "Holy Week," or "Passion Week," which is one of our "High Holy" times in the Church. This final week of Jesus' earthly ministry grieves us (because of the inhumanity of humans), but also gives us great hope. Tomorrow at 7:00 p.m., we will hold a Maundy Thursday service, reflecting on the sacrifice and service Jesus offered on our behalf. Please feel free to join us in-person or via the live stream. Remember to gather your elements, since we will also share communion with one another. It is an important event in the life of Jesus. We do well to remember the day prior to celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus come Sunday.

We will gather (in-person and online) on Sunday, looking at Hebrews 6:13-20 – the certainty of God's promise to us. "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure!" (Hebrews 6:19a).

Our first service (at 9:00 a.m.) has been growing faster than our second service (at 10:30 a.m.). While I do not anticipate filling the sanctuary at either service, I do expect larger crowds come Sunday. If you are able to attend the 10:30 a.m. service, I would appreciate it.

As always, I am grateful for all your prayers and support. Regardless of where you find yourself on Sunday, I pray you have a blessed Easter celebration with loved ones.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Failure to Thrive Syndrome

Good Wednesday to you,

Peter Pan or Lord of the Flies? What really happens when children are in charge? While it might be nice to think about not growing up and becoming responsible adults, we all know the disaster that would follow. So, why is it that the lack of spiritual growth goes unchecked in many places in Western Christianity?

Much of Western Christianity is a mile wide and an inch deep. When believers stop at "I trust Jesus for my eternal salvation," they fail to build a solid theological foundation. Without that foundation, it is difficult to understand the world around us and come up with helpful and hopeful solutions to the problems we face.

The author of Hebrews chastises the reader for needing spiritual "milk" rather than "meat," because the readers are not progressing past the elementary truths of God’s Word. This prevents them from moving on to spiritual maturity. It takes spiritual maturity to discern good from evil in a culture where everyone does what is right in their own eyes.

We need to think deeply about God, creation, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, human beings, redemption, and restoration if we are going to have the clarity to identify what is wrong in the world and how it can be fixed. A solid foundation enables us to have thoughtful, meaningful conversations with others, hopefully with gentleness and respect. If you are interested in these deeper conversations, let me know.

Next week is Palm Sunday, and the passage we will look at (Hebrews 6:4-12) discusses the dangers of falling away after exposure to God’s truth. Just think about what happened to the crowds who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem a few days later. More on that come Sunday.

We are grateful to be open for indoor worship at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. We still have some folks setting out on the lawn, listening to the service through outdoor speakers, and of course, the 9:00 a.m. service is still being livestreamed. Although we are open for indoor worship, we are not able to safely "pass the plate" for offerings. We are grateful for those who are mailing their tithes and offering to Graham and for those who are giving electronically. We cannot do this without your support. Thank you.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Mind the Gap

Good Wednesday to you,

Whether it is in the London underground or shrunken boards on a pier (or even in our memories), gaps are ever present in our lives. The most significant gap in our lives has to be the one that exists between Creator and creation. Jesus, our great high priest in the order of Melchizedek, bridged this "gap" for the last time. Although He was fully God, He also became fully human so He could fully identify with us, sympathize with us, and ultimately help us. Jesus was chosen for this high calling. Tempted as we are, yet without sin, He was uniquely qualified to offer up Himself as the perfect sacrifice. His submission and obedience to the Father serves as a role model for us.

As followers of Jesus (disciples, apprentices, students), our challenge is to submit and obey out of gratitude for who He is and what He has done. The "gap" is bridged, and we now have full access to the Throne of Grace. Let us boldly, with confidence, approach the throne that we might receive mercy and grace in our time of need.

It is wonderful to see folks slowly returning to in-person worship. As I have said before, we will continue to livestream the 9:00 a.m. service. If you would like to participate in the 9:00 a.m. worship service as a lay reader, click here and we will put you in the rotation. As the lay reader, you will lead the congregation in the Prayer of Confession and introduce and read the Old Testament Scripture. You will be sent a script for everything you will say on the Tuesday before the Sunday you are to serve as the lay leader. I hope many of you will take this opportunity to serve our greater community. Thank you for your ongoing support for the ministries here at Graham. In addition to serving with your actions, your prayers and financial support are much appreciated.

With Easter just around the corner, we are planning to have an in-person, indoor service for Maundy Thursday, which is on April 1st. If you would like to join us, we will be meeting at 7 p.m. If you are not quite comfortable joining us yet, that is okay! The service will also be available via livestream, and we will be here when you are ready to return. If you are joining us in-person, please bring your communion elements, though extras will be available just in case!

Next Sunday we will be looking at Hebrews 5:11-6:3. This passage focuses on the importance of spiritual growth in the life of the believer.

I hope you are having a blessed day!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church


Good Wednesday to you,

This past Sunday we began looking at Jesus as our "great high priest." It was the job of the high priest to offer the annual atonement sacrifice for the nation of Israel. Jesus stepped into that roll and freely offered Himself as an atonement for our sin. (Think about the words to "To God Be the Glory.")

Knowing and understanding that, the author of Hebrews encourages us to hold firmly to the faith we profess – Jesus, fully God and fully human, shows us how to live with God and one another within God's moral framework punctuated with grace. He freely died on the cross for our sins and rose the third day. The same power that raised Jesus is at work in us, transforming us into Christ-likeness, inviting us to live in the Kingdom of God with abundant peace. Jesus ascended into the heavens where He reigns over all creation. In the fullness of time, He will return and fully establish His kingdom here on earth.

But wait, there is more! We can now approach God’s throne of grace with confidence that we might receive mercy and grace to help us through the trials and challenges of life. Through Jesus Christ, who punched through the heavens, we have full and complete access to God!

Next Sunday, we will look more closely at Jesus, our great high priest, and will be introduced to a fascinating Old Testament person, Melchizedek. We will also be celebrating communion together, so be sure to bring your elements, though extras will be available if necessary.

Thank you for your faithfulness, your prayers, and you support. Remember, if you are comfortable, we are back to holding two services – 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. If you are not ready, the livestream will continue, and we will be here for you when you are ready.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church


Good Wednesday to you,

Rest is good for the soul. That is why God gave us the Fourth Commandment. One day in seven to relax, rest, and enjoy life helps give us perspective. Of course we rest from our labor as God rested from the labor of creation. The fall necessitated a different kind of work for God’s people, a labor of obedience to a covenant designed to bring God’s people into the Promised Land. It was a labor they failed time and time again, resulting in an inability to rest in God’s goodness.

When Jesus died on the cross, He said, "It is finished." What was finished was the plan of redemption made necessary by the fall. By accepting what Jesus has accomplished, we may enter His rest. No longer must we "labor for our salvation." However, laboring within our salvation through obedience assures that we remain in His rest. There is no "Sabbath" from obedience. Obedience is the outward evidence of the inward transformation that is taking place as we follow Jesus!

Next Sunday we will look at Jesus as our "Great High Priest." This understanding helps us tie into our Jewish "roots" and come to a deeper knowledge and appreciation of God’s plan of redemption and restoration. We will be looking at Hebrews 4:14-16.

Speaking of Sunday, we are worshipping at both 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. No need to email and reserve a spot, just come (with masks) and social distance from your fellow worshipers. If you were traditionally a 10:30 worshiper before the pandemic, please consider moving back to the 10:30 service. We would like to keep the services balanced as much as we can within the 25% occupancy outlined by State opening guidelines. If you are missing someone from our community in particular, consider reaching out to them. Write them a card, or give them a call. They will appreciate it.

Thanks for all your faithfulness. I hope to “see” you on Sunday!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Are We There Yet?

Good Wednesday to you,

Are we there yet? It is a common question heard (usually from the children) during a journey. When it comes to our faith journey, is heaven our destination? While we all want to go to heaven, I believe our faith in Jesus is about so much more. As I said on Sunday, I believe the journey is our destination. If we are not careful, we can be disillusioned in the journey and drift away from our faith. That is what happened to the Israelites on the way to the Promised Land.

The Israelites saw God do some amazing things from the time that Moses showed up in Egypt, yet they started grumbling almost immediately and their hearts were hardened. Their actions prevented them from entering the Promised Land. The author of Hebrews does not want that to happen to us. "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness" (Hebrews 3:13).

I suggested three activities that will help us avoid the hardening of our "spiritual arteries:" read Scripture, pray, and engage in soul exercises. If we do these things today, we will make room for the Holy Spirit to continue transforming us into the image of Jesus! We will continue along the theme of "entering Jesus' Sabbath Rest" this next Sunday with a focus on Hebrews 4:1-13.

Speaking of Sunday, last week we were at capacity! Okay, it was 25% of capacity, but that is all the re-opening guidelines allow. Therefore, we will resume two services this next week. If you are planning on coming for indoor worship this Sunday, please let us know. 

Thank you for your faithfulness! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church


Good Wednesday to you,

Who is the greatest of all time? That is a phrase tossed about in many different circles. Sports, movies, business, you name it -- someone will be identified as "The Greatest of All Time!" Of course, someone greater will eventually come along and it starts all over again.

Within Judaism, Moses captured the title of the "Greatest of All Time." He led the Israelites out of slavery. He received the Ten Commandments from God. God performed many miracles through Moses. Yet, the author of Hebrews wants us to know that Jesus has eclipsed Moses.

Keeping our thoughts fixed on Jesus; that is our challenge. Recognizing that Jesus is the faithful one over all God’s house (and we are God’s house) is imperative lest we drift away. Next Sunday, we will finish the third chapter of Hebrews with a warning against unbelief.

As more folks are attending on Sunday morning, we want to make sure we are maintaining a safe worship experience for everyone, so if you are planning on attending Sunday services please let me know.

Thank you all for your ongoing support. We will get through this together.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church


Good Wednesday to you,

"It is finished!"

You will recognize those words, spoken by Jesus, just before He died on the cross. What was finished was the work of redemption. When Jesus rose from the dead, He proved to us that the way of restoration was open. He perfected the path from life through death to everlasting life with God! "It is finished!"

The author of Hebrews wants us to know that we need not fear death any longer. In becoming human, Jesus can fully identify with us, sympathize with us, and actually help us in all things. We are not alone in our struggles.

One cannot understate the importance of building our faith on the foundation of Jesus Christ. As we continue in the book of Hebrews, we will begin to understand the role of Jesus as our ultimate High Priest. Next week we will be looking at Hebrews 3:1-6.

We were so happy to open the doors of the sanctuary to worshippers this past Sunday, and the bagpipes and kilts were amazing! I do look forward to the day when haggis will once again be available on our Scottish Heritage Sunday.

We had about 40 people in the sanctuary and about 10 to 15 on the lawn. We will continue to hold one service on Sunday until we reach a critical mass (62 people). Please let me know if you are planning to attend this Sunday. We will be celebrating Communion, so please plan to bring your elements with you. If you need a plastic bottle for your "cup," we have them in the church office.

A handful of you participated in the after-worship virtual coffee connection. Thank you. Now that the sanctuary is re-opened, the virtual coffee connection is more challenging than I anticipated. If a virtual gathering for fellowship would be helpful, please let us know.

Again, thank you for all your support and prayers. We have a wonderful Church family, and that includes YOU!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Operation Restoration

Good Wednesday to you,

Returning something to its original condition can be challenging. The temptation is to try to make it even better than it was before. Of course, that is a never-ending task. Just look at the world around us. It seems like everything is "new and improved," even if there was nothing wrong with the original product. (I still miss my 1967 VW bug!)

Think about the conversation in the Garden and the temptation to "be like God." The outcome was tragic. In the beginning, creation was not only good it was very good. While some in the spiritual realm may have been delighted in the separation from God brought about through disobedience, God had a plan. It was a plan for redemption and restoration. Redemption came through the Incarnation. Jesus shows us the "Face of God," teaching us how to live morally according to God’s Law, while punctuating our lives with grace. His death and resurrection complete the redemption phase, and now we find ourselves in the restoration phase.

Restoration recognizes the "already, but not yet." It is an ongoing project calling human beings into a loving, forgiven relationship with our Creator. Once in that relationship, God begins restoring the image in which we were created. (Think becoming more like Jesus day by day.) Because we are not there yet, we still see the effects of the broken relationship with God – sin, brokenness, death, and destruction. It will not always be so (Revelation 21). As we await the fulfilment of God’s plan, remember that more and more people are coming to Christ every day. Patience is called for as we look for God’s purposes in the midst of pain and suffering. Next week we will continue to examine this amazing relationship we have with Jesus, looking into Hebrews 2:10-18.

Speaking of next week, we will also be celebrating our Scottish Presbyterian Heritage. Even though we cannot yet meet indoors, we will still don our kilts and bring in a bagpiper to mark the day! So break out your plaid and shortbread, and prepare to celebrate!

Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are incredibly grateful.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

So What?

Good Wednesday to you,

I was amazed to learn that one knot of ocean current was equal to 30 knots of wind. I was not surprised to learn that 90% of nautical accidents, groundings, and incidents are due to uncontrollable forces and human error. The lesson learned is "pay attention to the currents!" What is true for ocean currents can also be applied to "current events." Just as ships can "drift" into harm’s way by not paying attention to the current, so we, as believers, can drift away from God by not paying attention to our great salvation in Christ.

God is at work in the world through the Holy Spirit. How is God at work in our lives? As disciples of Jesus, we need to pay attention to all God is saying and doing in our lives. Applying ourselves to the means and vision provided in Scripture is key to avoid "drifting." The "current events" of our culture are definitely challenging. Let us keep our eyes and ears open lest we find ourselves drifting, or even worse working against God.

Next Sunday we will take a closer look at the sovereignty of Jesus. If you would like to prepare, please read Hebrews 2:5-9.

This Friday night, we will be holding our annual congregational meeting. We will be conducting the (virtual) meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Microsoft Teams. All members are encouraged to attend. We are also holding a practice meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m.. If you are concerned about getting into the meeting, or need help, tonight is for you. The practice meeting will be open from 7:00-8:00 p.m. We have made some updates to the report, so if you picked up a copy in the office and would like an updated version, they are available again for pick up during business hours. 

Did you know more than 100 people in our church family know their spiritual gifts? You can add yourself to the growing number of those who know their Spiritual Gifts and are exercising regularly by taking the spiritual gifts test. 

Once again, I am grateful for all your prayers and support as we move through these challenging times. Stay well; stay safe.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

A Cut Above

Good Wednesday to you,

To say we are experiencing a crisis with regard to authority would be an understatement. Of course, this is nothing new. From the opening chapters of Genesis, we see human beings rebelling against God’s authority in their lives. By the time of Jesus’ incarnation, the Jewish people had developed a transcendent understanding of God that prevented them from approaching God on their own. Angels became the intermediaries for them. In the first chapter of Hebrews, the author makes it clear that Jesus is superior to the prophets of old and superior to the angels. The author uses Hebrew scripture to establish the unique relationship between God and the Son. Angels are servants; the Son is God, who is eternal, divine, and unchanging. 

Our understanding of angels is "all over the map." But, so is our understanding of authority! Those who see the government as the ultimate authority are having a bit of a crisis right now. If we establish authority in anything other than Jesus, we are building "a house of cards" which cannot stand.

In these challenging times, we must focus our attention on Jesus. He is the only authority that counts. Our faith must be firmly built upon solid doctrine, and that includes the divinity of Jesus. There is a spiritual battle raging in the heavens. Eventually, all God’s enemies will become a "footstool" for the feet of Jesus. We must be careful not to put too much faith and authority into the government, the law, money, material possessions, institutions (like the church), or even ourselves (possibly the most precarious). Jesus alone is our ultimate authority. In the midst of these trying and transitioning times, trust that Jesus will sustain us and guide us through any trial or tribulation we encounter.

Next week we will launch into the second chapter (2:1-4). I hope you are reading your Bible and praying with a penitent spirit while engaging with God’s people. We will get through this. Remember, nothing in all of creation is able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus!

On another note, if you want to see a documentary that will inspire and encourage you, I’d like to recommend "Free Burma Rangers," now available on RightNow Media. This is an amazing organization on the front lines of mission in very challenging places. I was hoping to sponsor this for an evening event in the sanctuary before COVID hit. Now, it is available in your own living room!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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What’s the Good Word?

Good Wednesday to you,

Welcome to the book of Hebrews! This past week we looked at the first four verses of this amazing letter/sermon and I hope you were encouraged. In the midst of all the social and political upheaval we are experiencing these days, it is good to be reminded that Jesus still rules. These four verses reminded us that God has spoken. God spoke through the prophets (think Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc…) and in various ways (think Burning Bush, divided Red Sea, plagues, endless bottles of oil, etc…). However, God finally spoke through the Son (think Jesus), who is "the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word." Focus a bit on that last part; "sustaining ALL things by His powerful word!" Jesus is holding our universe together. It is not "big business," "big government," or even "deep state." Jesus alone is God. The very fact we are still here is evidence that God still has work to do through you and me! While it is important to live out our faith, it is also important to know what we believe. Hebrews will help us do just that.

I hope you will join me in grieving our current circumstances without worrying. Remember, our nation was built upon biblical principles (in spite of what you may have heard). Misquoting our Founding Fathers has become somewhat of a pastime in our educational system over the past few years. Here is a link to the Chuck Colson article mentioned Sunday.
What we need is revival. I also quoted a Wall Street Journal article (subscription required) by Tony Dungy and Benjamin Watson published January 8, 2021. If we want revival, they suggest we do five things: read the Bible through this year, pray, repent, participate in the local fellowship, and support the local fellowship with tithes and offerings. If you do not have access to a WSJ subscription and would like to read the whole article, let me know. I can print it out and mail it to you.

Next week we will finish the first chapter (Heb. 1:5-14). Please read ahead so you will be ready to wrestle with some challenging ideas.

Thank you for your faithfulness. May God bless you throughout this New Year.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Hebrews: An Introduction

Good Wednesday to you,

This past Sunday, I introduced you to the book of Hebrews. Remember, there is some mystery associated with this amazing book. We don’t know who the author is. We don’t really know who the intended audience was. We can only speculate when it was written.

We do know that it was written by an educated person, who wrote eloquent Greek. We know it was addressed to Jewish-background believers who had been persecuted for their faith in Jesus and were considering returning to Judaism. We know that the author wrote this "short" letter of encouragement to convince them to stay the course.

The book of Hebrews is more of a sermon than it is a letter, and as such it can encourage us. However, it can also challenge us in areas where we are weak in faith. Above all, I suggested we need to keep the end in sight as we begin this series. The final verse in the book is, "Grace be with you all" (13:25).

Our vision is to be more like Jesus. The means to accomplish this vision is spiritual discipline (prayer, Bible reading/studying, worship, acts of service – think "soul exercises"). What we sometimes lack is "intentionality." Intentionality comes with regular and deliberate exercise of our God-given gifts. This trek through Hebrews will challenge us toward greater intentionality.

I am excited about this series and I hope you are as well. This next Sunday we will look at the opening verses (1:1-4). We will also be celebrating the Lord's Supper, so prepare your elements before you join the livestream.

I look forward to "being with you" this next Sunday.

Happy New Year and God bless you all.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Living Faithfully

Good Wednesday to you,

This past week we looked at an example of living faithfully that took place in Dallas, Texas. When police office Amber Guyger was convicted in the murder of Botham Jean, Botham’s brother Brandt offered grace and forgiveness to officer Guyger. He told her forgiveness from God was at hand, and what he and his brother would want most was for her to give her life to Christ. In an unprecedented move, he requested permission from Judge Kemp to give the convicted murderer a hug. She granted it. The judge left the bench and the courtroom, returning with a book in her hand and she offered her personal Bible to Guyger, suggesting she begin with John 3:16, encouraging the woman to take mustard-seed sized faith and trust God with the rest of her life. WOW. Tears flowed and hugs ensued. Justice was served (Guyger received a ten-year sentence), but forgiveness was offered and received. It was living faithfully in public places!

As one might expect in our word today, the backlash against the judge was swift in coming, though she defends her actions of giving her Bible away to Guyger. Wanting to express my gratitude for living faithfully in public, I sent the judge a Bible to replace the one she gave away, with a note of gratitude. Wouldn’t it be great if every Christian who hears about this would do the same? Any interest in inundating the courts of Dallas with Bibles? If you are interested, here is her address:

The Honorable Judge Tammy Kemp, 204th Judicial District Court, Frank Crowley Courts Building, 133 N. Riverfront Blvd (Lock Box 29), Dallas, Texas 75207, Phone (214) 653-5832

I also mentioned an upcoming even sponsored by Coronado Men’s Connection. On November 18th, Dennis Prager will be speaking at the high school auditorium on “Why the Rational Bible,” a series of commentaries he is working on of the first five books in the Bible. Tickets are free, but limited. The Event is only being promoted locally until this Friday. If you want to attend, click here to register for your tickets. Once this is opened to the wider population, it will “sell out” before the day is over.

Next week we will be looking at “Living Gratefully” through the narrative of the ten lepers healed by Jesus found in Luke 17:11-19. I hope to see you Sunday!

Grace and peace,

Pastor David

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church


Good Wednesday to you,

This past week we took a look at the cost of non-discipleship. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, we saw a “reversal of fortune” as the poor man, Lazarus was ushered to Abraham’s side when he died, and the rich man found himself in torment.

The rich man called Abraham, father; Furthermore, Abraham called him son. The rich man also knew Lazarus by name and by sight. The rich man probably was a very religious man, but his religion never found its way into his life. There was no compassion, no mercy, and no thought of anything other than his own appetites. In the end, he lost it all. This is yet another reminder that we are to be good stewards of our time, our abilities, our possessions and money.

Is it important for us to have good theology? Of course. Belief informs our behavior, and belonging gives us accountability and opportunity to exercise our faith. For those of you who regularly attend and support the ministries of Graham, you will find in your mailbox this week our annual stewardship letter. Please read it and prayerfully consider standing with us in the coming year. If you no longer attend Graham, but find yourself blessed by this weekly email, I would invite you to consider a one-time-gift to help us finish the year strong. You can give online by clicking here. Thank you.

Next Sunday is Worldwide Communion Sunday and I will begin a series on living faithfully, gratefully, persistently and humbly. We will start with Luke 17:1-10.

I hope to see you on Sunday!

Grace and peace,

Pastor David

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Wealth Management

Good Wednesday to you,

We are continuing to look at various facets of discipleship, and this past Sunday we looked at the challenges of discipleship through the eyes of one of the more challenging parables in the Bible – the shrewd manager, found in Luke’s Gospel. While many attempt to read into the parable, I suggested that the “shrewd manager” used the resources at his disposal to plan for his future. Jesus even stated that “the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.” (Luke 16:8b).  Rather than use our resources (our time, our abilities, our possessions and our money) to plan for our earthly retirement, we should be planning for our eternal retirement as well.

Jesus went on to say, “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings” (Luke 16:9).When we teach a child in Sunday School, when we walk alongside a youth in our community, when we serve in any number of ways the Kingdom of God, we are, in fact, using our wealth to make eternal friends!  As disciples, we recognize all we have, our time, abilities, possessions and money, are all gifts from God, and we are but stewards. Are we good stewards? “No one can serve two masters… you cannot serve both God and money” (Luke 16:13). It is a question we each must answer, not to earn our way into God’s loving embrace, but to demonstrate our trustworthiness. Our time here is a precursor for eternity. May we enter eternity with the hope of hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Next week we will look at another challenging and unusual parable – the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31).

Grace and peace,

Pastor David

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Engaging the World

Good Wednesday to you,

Last Sunday we looked at the task of discipleship. While it is vital that we continue to grow in our faith through Bible study, spiritual disciplines, and participation in the life of a community, we are also tasked with “looking for the lost sheep.” When the “sheep” are lost in public places, practically challenging Christians to identify themselves as a person of faith (Drew Brees as an example) more and more disciples quietly pray for the return of Jesus, so we will not have to engage our culture. Yet, engage we must. I suggested three things the faith community could practice that would help us do just that.

First, to love our neighbor, regardless of what they believe, more than we love our theological positions. That doesn’t mean that our beliefs are unimportant. They are extremely important, but loving our neighbors more is a must. If fact, Jesus said it was right up there with loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Second, we need to temper our selective outrage. When we focus on one particular sin, while ignoring other, blatant sins (unmarried friends living together, gossip, envy, pride) we reveal our hypocrisy. Consistency is important if our witness is to have any impact when engaging the culture.

Third, let us offer a cup of grace to everyone we meet. When we realize the ocean of grace we have been given my God, it would be a “no-brainer” to offer a mere cup of grace to others, especially those with whom we disagree. Dallas Willard says we need to “burn through grace like a jet burns through fuel.” I really appreciate that.

Being a disciple is difficult enough in our current culture without us making it harder. Perhaps, if we strive to share God’s love up front, we can regain respect, leading to a conversation that allows the Holy Spirit to work in everyone’s life!

Next week we will continue talking about discipleship through what is arguably the most difficult parable Jesus told – “The Shrewd Manager,” from Luke 16. I hope to see you on Sunday!

Grace and peace,

Pastor David

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Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church

Tariff-fying Times

Good Wednesday to you,

This past Sunday we started a series in discipleship and looked at some pretty hard sayings of Jesus – “if anyone comes to me and does not hate…does not carry his (or her) cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:25-27). I suggest that Jesus is talking about priorities here, and the fact that suffering is a distinct possibility for those of us who will prioritize Jesus in our lives. A commitment to follow Jesus has often led to estrangement from friends and families, especially if one is coming from a different faith community. There is no chance for a “detached association” with Jesus in that context. One is either all in or not in at all.

I challenged you to identify your top three priorities, then articulate how that priority reflects your commitment to Jesus. If you are willing to share with me some of your priorities and reflections, I’d welcome it.

It is so good to be back with you. I am grateful to all who faithfully ministered to you in my absence, especially Ralph, who took it upon himself to ensure this Wednesday email made it out to you each week.

Next week we will look at the “Task of Discipleship,” focusing on Luke 15:1-10 as the sermon text. I hope to see you in worship on Sunday!

On another subject, many in our community are participating in a “beautification project” for Mar Vista High School in Imperial Beach this coming Saturday. We still need some wheel barrows, shovels and rakes, and a few able bodies to help make this a success. If you are willing to loan us any of these implements (or bodies), please let me know.

May the rest of your day (and week) be filled with blessings!

Grace and peace,

Pastor David

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