Good Wednesday to you,
It is so easy to look at those who have more than we do and think we are less than we should or could be. In truth, we live in the wealthiest country in the world, and most of us have more than enough discretionary income to let us do whatever we want to do. But is that how God wants us to steward our wealth? James has strong words for the wealthy of the world. Not only James, but Jesus spoke of the difficulties of dealing with wealth as well. Not that wealth is a bad thing; it is not. What we do with our wealth is crucial. John Wesley exhorted his congregation to, "Earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can."
As we wrestle with "how much is enough," and battle with determining the difference between "wants and needs," each of us needs to do a deep dive to discern where our priorities are with regard to giving to "kingdom causes." Personally, I find that God supplies all my needs and many of my wants. I am truly a blessed person. If I had to put it in a proper perspective, I would say that this is what I am working on: "All I want is to trust God for all I need."
As I mentioned on Sunday, we are starting to look at our ministry budget for 2022. Not having "passed the plate" since March 15 of last year has created unusual challenges for us, but thanks be to God and to those who have prayed and supported Graham financially, we are holding our own. If you have given to Graham in the past calendar year, chances are you will receive a letter from me this week. Please, prayerfully consider how you might participate in the ongoing ministries of Graham Memorial this year or in the year to come. We are truly in "uncharted territory" but God has been faithful. If you desire, you can pledge or give online as well. For those who must take a "Required Minimum Distribution" before the end of the year, remember the tax savings opportunity of directing a portion of that distribution toward Graham!
Next Sunday we will look at James 5:7-11. He will encourage us to cultivate patience in light of God’s mercy and compassion.
Don’t forget to RSVP for the All Church Picnic on October 2. I am lining up smokers, and we are sure to have a great time with plenty of good food for the day.
Thank you all for your continued faithfulness. Truly, we are blessed. As the Bible says, "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance!" (Psalm 16:6).
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!