Good Wednesday to you,
I understand that doctors want patients, but who wants more patience? I think we would all like to be more patient, but we would like to skip the trials and tribulations that tax our patience! Yet, James exhorts us to "Be patient" (James 5:7). Like the prophets of old, who endured hardship in the face of suffering, James reminds us not to grumble against one another because God is at work. God is not only sovereign, God is active, involved and working in our lives and in our world even when we cannot see it. Leaning into God through soul exercises helps us to develop patience. Those exercises also create space for the Holy Spirit to transform us into the image of Jesus.
I suggested four Psalms to read and contemplate when we find ourselves frazzled amidst our crazy times – Psalm 37, 73, 46, and 13. I already received an email from someone encouraging me to add Psalm 40! What are some of your favorite Scriptures to read when you are in the midst of a trial?
Next Sunday we are going to look at James 5:12-18 and the power of prayer. We will also be celebrating Worldwide Communion Sunday, and the RETURN OF OUR CHOIR!
In an effort to "Make it a Morning," don't forget the adult Sunday school class being offered at 9:00am. If you have little ones in Sunday School at 9:00am, please consider this option, then come as a family to worship at 10:30am.
Saturday is our "All Church Picnic!" Please RSVP to let us know you are coming. High Noon is the kickoff! Don’t forget to bring your side/dessert to share.
I hope you are having a wonderful day. Never forget, you are loved more than you know.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!