Spiritual Food
Good Wednesday to you!
While baby formula may be in short supply these days, spiritual milk is abundantly available. The problem is that too many Christians do not progress beyond spiritual milk. When those who were fed by Jesus sough Him out, He challenged them, "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
While devotional reading of Scripture may be enjoyable, it represents the "spiritual milk" of a believer. We need to go deeper. We need to study God's Word, meditate on it, memorize it, and allow the Holy Spirit to incorporate it into our heads, our hearts, and out through our hands. We need to add other spiritual practices to our Scripture habits, along with prayer, so the transformation process that builds Christian maturity can grow. At the end of this email, you will find a simple "Three Question Bible Study" method that will help you go beyond mere devotional reading of your Bible.
This coming Sunday we will continue in the 6th chapter of John's gospel looking at the first of seven "I Am" statements made by Jesus. (Have you read chapter 6 yet?) There is a connection between the "I am" statement Jesus makes and the Communion we will celebrate this coming Sunday. Read the chapter and you will know what it is.
On completely different note, I hope you were excited about the "Island Nights" event coming up in July. Each night, starting on July 11th, there will be opportunity to gather on campus. Dinner will be served from 5:00-6:00pm, with the program starting in the sanctuary at 6:00pm. The main reason for Island Nights is to spend time with your family, your church family, and become more aware of God's work "beyond the bridge!"
Our mission support in Africa will be front and center throughout the week, giving you an opportunity to get to know Aychi and his family. You will learn some Amharic, sing some songs, do some crafts, and taste some Ethiopian food (optionally, of course). Additionally, there will be a mission project that will make a difference in God's kingdom. Sign up by clicking here! This will be a memorable experience and you won't want to miss it!
I hope you are having a great day. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
P.S. As promised…
Three Question Bible Study
Begin by reading the passage to be studied… If you have time, read it again.
Question one: What is the passage about?
Write down the facts or content of the passage. For example: Who are the people if any? What are they doing? Where does it take place? When? Write a brief sentence summarizing the content of the passage.
Question two: What do I learn from this passage?
Ask yourself questions like: Is there a warning, a command, or a promise in this passage? Is there an example to follow or not to follow? What is the main truth of this passage? Is there a lesson or a principle that is a universal truth? Why do you think this passage is in Scripture? Why might God have put it in?
What does the passage reveal about the character of God (His attributes, ways of relating to people, emotions, His views about something, reasons to love Him more)? How does this passage point to the person and work of Jesus Christ? Are there specific things for which to pray? Is there a new thought to me? Is there an encouragement?
(Note: Not all of the above things will be in every passage studied. You may have other questions that come to mind as you read. These are only ideas to get you started.)
Question Three: How can I apply what I learn to my life?
Can you think of a current situation in your personal life, home life, church or work life that is similar to what you learned? In that situation, ask yourself a personal question that demands actions; i.e.: Not, will I spend more time in God’s Word, but rather how or when will I spend more time in God’s Word?
Write the answer to your questions by being specific, creating measurable and achievable goals (i.e. "I will read for ten minutes each day", or whatever practical application you can discern from the passage).
This simple Three Question Bible Study will help you get into the Word in a meaningful way!
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Good Wednesday to you!
We all know that it is not a good idea to go to the grocery store when we are hungry. When we do, we almost always buy more than we need. I suggested Sunday that we should not vote when we are "hungry" either. When Jesus fed the five thousand, He was setting them up for a lesson on their spiritual diet. They we so excited by the miracle working rabbi from Nazareth, who fed an army and healed the sick, that they were certain Jesus was their next earthly king. But Jesus knew they needed more than a political solution for their problems.
The same is true for us today. We are hungry for leadership and all we get are politicians. (Remember, a statesman is distinguished from a mere politician by four qualities: a bedrock of principles, a moral compass, a vision, and the ability to create a consensus to achieve that vision. Thank you, Dr. J. Rufus Fears.) Engaging our culture with a conscience that is held captive to the Word of God is essential. This is especially important as we vote next week and in the Fall. Jesus refused to be the king they wanted, so He could be the King they (we) needed.
Please read the rest of the 6th chapter of John's gospel. We will continue to discuss our diet (both physical and spiritual) next week. (Be sure to wear red this next Sunday. We will be celebrating Pentecost!)
I know you will continue to be in prayer for the people of Uvalde and Buffalo. Please also pray for marriages, families, and the Church. It is worth repeating – as the marriage goes, so goes the family. As the family goes, so goes the Church. As the Church goes, so goes the nation.
God is faithful, and God is sovereign. Let us continue to seek the Lord we need, and not the lord we want, especially when we don’t get the answers we want when we pray. We have work to do.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
To Tell the Truth
Good Wednesday to you!
Are we who we say we are? How do others know? The old saying is true – you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Good thing for us, Jesus never tried to fool anyone at any time. He simply did what He saw His Father do.
When attacked for "working" (healing) on the Sabbath, Jesus came under attack by the religious leaders of the day. Jesus used their understanding of the Law to offer a rationale for why He did what He did. God was exempt from working on the Sabbath by the religious leaders of the day, and so was He, being the Word who was with God, and who was God, and who became flesh and dwelt among us.
After revealing His identity to the religious leaders, He went on to provide testimony from others regarding His identity: John, the Baptizer, who declared Jesus to be "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" was the first. Jesus' miraculous "works" were the second testimony. The voice of God at His baptism ("This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.") was the third testimony, and the fulfilment of biblical prophesy was the fourth.
Jesus then turned the tables on them and declared that Moses would be the one to accuse them in the fullness of time, for Moses wrote about Jesus! If we needed another witness or testimony concerning Jesus' identity, we need look no further than the resurrection. Knowing what we believe, why we believe it and why it matters has never been more important than it is today. Letting God's Word "abide" in our hearts is a sure way to cultivate our love for God. If you need help in understanding the Christian worldview in order to stand against the tide of the secular/naturalist worldview, please reach out to me. I can suggest books (like Tactics by Greg Koukl) or programs (like Colson Fellows). Together, we can stand firm against the challenges of the day.
Next Sunday we will continue our journey in the "deep end of the pool" taking a closer look at the feeding of the five thousand (John 6:1-15). I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Mark your calendars for the week of July 11-15. "Summer Nights" are coming to Graham Memorial. Since we do not have the staffing to conduct a traditional Vacation Bible School, we are shifting focus this summer to gather our church family from 5:30pm - 8:00pm, Monday through Friday. We will begin with by sharing a meal together, then learning about the missionary journeys of Aychi and his family. (Did you know he ministers in many African countries besides Ethiopia?) We will learn songs in Amharic, the native language of Ethiopia, and work on a project together to bless Aychi, his family, and the work they are doing for God's kingdom. Along with fun and games, it promises to be a joyful and educational week for our family. Registration information will be coming soon, so stay tuned!
God is at work in our midst. Thank you for being a part of that work!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Follow the Leader
Good Wednesday to you!
"Follow the leader" may have been a fun game when we were younger, but whom we chose to follow as adults has eternal consequences. In His exchange with the religious leaders of the day, Jesus used their understanding of the Law, and in particular their gracious exemption, "allowing" God to operate outside the Law, to put forth His own identity as God. "My Father is always at His work to the very day, and I, too, am working" (John 5:17). The Sabbath, indeed, the entire Ten Commandments, were written for us, that we might thrive within God's creation. Teaching us how to live within God's precepts, while punctuating the "Law" with grace, and dying for our sins on the cross were two of Jesus' most important reasons for incarnation. "The Word, that was with God, that was God…became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:1; 14). To see Jesus is to see the Father, because Jesus and the Father are one (John 14:9-10). I would invite you to seriously consider who it is you are following. Today is the day to choose anew to follow Jesus.
What does that mean for our Sabbath rest? It is always timely to do good, even on the Sabbath. The command to rest on the Sabbath was an invitation for us to cease working. I suggested that doing something that is self-serving was most likely a violation of the Fourth Commandment, but doing something for others, to will the good of another, should be encouraged 24/7. Next week, we will continue our "deep dive," looking at the various testimonies concerning Jesus as we conclude our time in the 5th chapter of John (5:31-47).
Thank you for your continued prayers. I still find myself fatigued throughout the day, but I am feeling stronger day by day. No doubt, your prayers are being answered. Please continue.
Your ongoing support of the ministries of Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church is much appreciated. Although we have returned to passing communion elements, we have not passed an offering plate since March 15, 2020. As we look toward the future, your support has never been more important. Some of you are mailing your financial gifts to Graham, others are giving online. However you choose to give, we are grateful. Please continue to pray for our worshiping community, and the pastor God has already chosen!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers with gratitude and joy.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Ruffling Feathers
Good Wednesday to you!
Thank you for all your prayers! At the writing of this email, I am continuing to improve at a steady pace. I have full expectation that I will be with you this coming Sunday.
I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for the leadership here at Graham. It wasn’t until Wednesday of last week that I tested positive, and began adjusting to what was happening to me. One-by-one I began to address what was directly in front of me regarding my obligations. By Thursday I realized I was not going to be able to preach. With Pastor John also out, I reached out to Pastor Jeremiah, who willingly stepped up. (More on his sermon later.) By Saturday, I remembered it was a communion Sunday. In conversation with the Elders and Deacons, it was determined that communion should be a part of the service. Everyone stepped up, guided, and supported the visiting pastor, served communion and the Lord was honored! Hardly a beat was skipped. You were praying for me, and God answered, in part, through the leadership of Graham Memorial.
Pastor Jeremiah helped me see the man at the pool of Bethesda. There was no way he was ever going to reach the water, which offered the promise of healing. Jesus brought the "water" -- the "healing" -- to him. Jesus brings the same healing to us. The invitation to "pick up our mats and walk" continues to be offered. The man at the pool had the courage to receive and accept the offer. Do we? Next week we will continue to look at that challenge as we examine John 5:16-30.
Mark your calendar for the week of July 11-15! Something new and different is coming to Graham Memorial. We all know the reputation Graham has for Vacation Bible School. The time and energy that went into VBS would surprise no one. With the Director of Children's Ministries position still vacant, the last thing we want to do is try to replicate the past, so we are looking at something different, Vacation Family Camp! Stand by for more information. (It’s going to be great!)
Your continued prayers are appreciated. I am more grateful than you will ever know this side of eternity. I hope your week is blessed and that you all stay healthy.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Can We Really Take Jesus at His Word?
Good Wednesday to you,
Thank you for giving Rev. David Rodriguez a warm welcome this past Sunday morning. The Pastoral Nominating Committee and the Presbytery were grateful. Additionally, Chaplain David brought us the word, reminding us that we can always take God at His Word. This is important for us to remember, especially when things don't unfold as anticipated. Next week we will continue our deep dive through John looking at yet another miraculous healing in the fifth chapter.
I assume you all read the Kirk Visitor that came out on Monday, introducing our new business administrator, Rachael Tisdale. Some of you may remember the Tisdale family when they were stationed here before. As I say, the Navy giveth and the Navy taketh away, and sometimes, giveth back! Please be praying for them as they move out here from the East Coast this month, especially for housing. If you haven't noticed, the housing prices in Coronado have gone crazy. We believe God has a place for them, and they are waiting patiently to see where it is.
Also, we have a volunteer who stepped up to lead the AWANA program next year! Rachel Gorken will be leading the charge so we can continue offering this amazing program to the youth of our community. Please continue to pray for a new Director of Children's Ministries. With Megan Smith off to Cameroon, Sarah Barns has stepped in to help us through the summer. Also, be on the lookout for an exciting opportunity for families this summer!
I hope this finds you all well, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Connecting the Dots
Good Wednesday to you!
Connecting the dots on a page is a lot easier than connecting the dots in life. Yet, if we want a deeper, more meaningful life, that is exactly what we must do. For some, like the woman at the well, it doesn't take long to figure out who Jesus is and what He offers those who believe. For some it can take a couple of days. For some, it takes a lifetime.
It is important for us to be able to articulate our own process of connecting the dots, trusting that God is at work transforming us into Jesus' image. During that time, we may find ourselves in situations or places where we are uncomfortable (think the disciples in Samaria).
Knowing we are created in God's image, (Origin – Where do we come from?) knowing why we are here, (Meaning – to live in a reconciled life with God knowing we are loved and forgiven) knowing how we should live, (Ethics – living within God's moral framework while punctuating it with grace) and knowing where we are going (Destiny – a life lived in the Kingdom of God in eternity) provides the peace and contentment needed to enjoy the abundant life Jesus promises those who believe!
I hope you have been able to share with someone your "connect the dots" story, and I hope you are pursuing the transformed life that allows others to see Jesus in you. I also hope you have identified three people (one from each sphere of influence in your life – family, co-workers, and neighbors) and have begun praying for them and for an opportunity to ask them if they ever think about spiritual things. While our faith is very personal, it should never be private! Good news is to be shared. Next Sunday we are going to learn that we can take Jesus at His word, looking at John 4:43-54.
On another topic, this Sunday we will be praying for Megan as she heads to Cameroon. There will be a dinner on Sunday night hosted by her family, and everyone is invited. However, there is a catch – YOU NEED TO RSVP! You can do that by clicking here. Please continue to pray for us as we search for a new Director of Children's Ministries!
We apologize for the technical difficulties on Sunday. If you would like to watch the service again or missed it the first time, click here.
I hope your week is filled with blessing!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
(P.S. He is still rien! :) )
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Easter People
Good Wednesday to you!
He is risen! It is finished, and He is risen, indeed!
I hope you all enjoyed an uplifting Easter celebration this past Sunday. The thought of Mary Magdalen rushing to tell the disciples of Jesus that He was alive was a wonderful reminder of the Samaritan woman rushing to tell the villagers about "a man" who told her all about herself. Meeting someone who knows all about you can be a scary proposition unless that person is Jesus. Confronting our true selves with Jesus is an important step in inner healing.
When the disciples returned with food, they were surprised to see Jesus talking with the woman. When she left to share the "Good News" with the community, they offered Jesus something to eat. "I have food to eat that you know nothing about. My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish his work" (John 4:32, 34).That "work" was to bring God's reconciling love, mercy, and grace to those whose lives have been broken by sin, to those who thought it was possible to live outside a relationship with their Creator.
From the highest of the heights (think Nicodemus) to the deepest of the depths (think the Samaritan woman) and everyone in between, the "Good News" is for everyone. The "fields are ripe for harvest" (John 4:35). We have the privilege of sharing this hope with those who have no hope. Introducing people to Jesus (TryPraying) is easier than you think. While we invite Jesus to work on our personal agendas, we can love others wherever they are, and let Jesus do the "heavy lifting" of drawing them into a meaningful relationship with God. It is finished and He is risen!
Next week we will see this truth in action as we move into John 4:39-42.
Don't forget this coming Friday's movie at Graham. "The Most Reluctant Convert, The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis” will be shown in the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m. I hope to see you there.
I hope you are having a blessed day.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
12141 (God’s Zip Code)
Good Wednesday to you!
This past Sunday we commemorated Palm Sunday, that day Jesus rode into Jerusalem knowing His earthly ministry would be complete in a week. Facing the cross, I asked how this could be considered a "triumphal entry." I suggested that the triumph of God's love spanning the social strata from the elite to the outcast among outcasts -- from Nicodemus to the unnamed Samaritan woman at the well -- was sealed by His willingness to enter Jerusalem that day.
Tomorrow we will hold a Maundy Thursday service in the sanctuary at 7:00pm. Together we will reflect on the final moments of Jesus' life leading up to his arrest and crucifixion. This will be an in-person service only. My challenge to us all is to take some time this week to reflect on the triumphal entry of God's love into our own lives, pondering the cost the cross represents.
I hope you have had the opportunity to read and pray through "TryPraying." This booklet has its origins in the UK. (Some of the words and phrases are a tip off.) I also hope you have passed on your booklet (use it and lose it) to someone you are currently praying for. Be sure to circle back to them on Friday and see how they are doing with "TryPraying" and invite them to worship with you this coming Sunday.
Speaking of prayer, many of you have been praying for me and the blood clots in my right leg. Last week, I met with the doctor and was told the clots are dissolving, and once I finish my current medication, I can shift to a daily baby aspirin! This is a huge answer to prayer! Thank you to all who have been praying with and for me. There are so many people who need prayer these days. I hope the past week of "TryPraying" has encouraged you to continue in this vital spiritual discipline.
We successfully returned to passing the communion elements this past Sunday! The Elders did a great job, along with the Deacons, who set up and clean up.Thank you, Elders and Deacons!
While we have not yet returned to "passing the plate," you have been incredibly faithful in supporting the ministry of Graham Memorial these past two years, and I am grateful. If you would like to give, you can do so through our website, through the mail, or by stopping by the office during normal business hours. Personally, I have discovered the joy of giving appreciated stock through a donor advised fund. If you are interested in this option, please send me an email!
Next Sunday we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord! I will be using John 4:27-38. That may seem like an unlikely passage for Easter, but trust me, it is perfect!
I am praying your day is blessed, and I hope to see you soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Good Wednesday to you!
Decisions – deciding between two things is easier than deciding between twenty things. We like having multiple choices. The fewer the choices, the more important the decision. Fundamentally, we choose between life and death. Death is a given. We all die physically, but many people are already dead spiritually. Through Jesus, we can choose life over death, physically and spiritually. It is an invitation open to everyone regardless of "where" we find ourselves. God loves the world that much. However, choosing Life means a choice to live in relationship with Jesus. This means doing what He has taught us to do. That's where discipleship comes in.
One such discipline is praying. On Sunday, we distributed "TryPraying" booklets (and a few signs) to everyone who attended worship. Several other worshiping communities in Coronado did the same thing. TryPraying is a seven-day introduction to prayer specifically designed with the non-believer in mind. My prayer is that given the choice to read it or not read it, you all chose to read it. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. Having read the booklet for seven days, my hope is that you will identify someone to whom you can give your booklet, circling back a week from Friday and inviting them to worship with you on Easter Sunday. (I read "Day 3" this morning.) If you did not receive a copy of TryPraying on Sunday, stop by the office and pick one up. Or email me and I will mail you one.
We will be taking a non-traditional approach to Palm Sunday next week, looking at John 4:1-38, as Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman. Also, remember that this Sunday we will be celebrating communion in "pre-COVID" fashion. The Elders will be "passing the elements." A handful of pre-packaged elements will still be available for those who remain cautious.
I hope each of you have chosen to follow Jesus today. Abundant life is available in no other.
I hope to see you soon. May your day be filled with blessings.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
The Greatest of These
Good Wednesday to you!
The first century religious leaders in Israel were a divided lot. While some wanted to maintain the status quo, others longed for more. Nicodemus was one such leader. By night he sought the "Light." He went to Jesus, who knew exactly what he wanted – what will it take for us to see the kingdom of God restored? Jesus responded, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
I know that when that phrase is used (born again), some people toss up "walls." I mention my reaction to Chuck Colson when he used it. (I failed in the first service to acknowledge the great work Chuck Colson did for the kingdom of God, and how ministries he began are thriving today.) But what does it mean to be "born again?"
With John the Baptizer in mind, Jesus spoke of being born of water (baptism of repentance) and born of Spirit (baptism of the Spirit) as going hand-in-hand. Eternal life is available to those who have both. It is one thing to acknowledge one's sin, and even repent of it and ask for forgiveness. It is another thing to yield to the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus with obedience. To be "born again" is to be faithful and obedient to Jesus.
Why is it that some people join service organizations and then never serve? (Rino – Rotarian in name only!) I guess a similar question would be "Why to people choose to follow Jesus and then not follow Him?" (Rino – Religious in name only, or Chrino – Christian in name only.) The only way to "see the kingdom of God" is to participate. Christianity is not a "spectator sport."
Next week we will continue to look at this chapter, as John takes us back to the ministry of the baptizer. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
We will also introduce a prayer initiative called "Try Praying" on Sunday. If you come to worship on Sunday, you will leave with a booklet with that title. It is a 7-day prayer challenge for the non-religious. "Use it and lose it" will be the phrase of the day. Use it for one week, then give it to an non-religious friend. I am excited to share this with you.
I pray your day is filled with blessings!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Sin? Who Me?
Good Wednesday to you!
Rearranging furniture may or may not be your favorite thing to do, but it is something most of us have done at some point in our lives. Jesus made quite a stir when He "rearranged" the temple courtyard, driving the merchants out. That temple courtyard was the only place non-Jewish people could gather to worship the Lord. It did not make for a very welcoming view of God to have the place turned into a marketplace. While the religious leaders of the day were busy offering sacrifices to make amends for sin, Jesus was in the process of re-defining how to take care of the consequences of sin once and for all.
While we celebrate the amazing grace we have that covers our sin, we still need to be aware that sin exists in our lives, and that grace does not give us a "pass" to continue sinning. Our bodies have become the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells. We have a "courtyard" for the non-believers in our lives who watch and wait for us to do anything that would discredit our beliefs. That gives them a reason to reject a life of faith in God.
What is Jesus doing in your "temple courtyard?" What needs cleaning and rearranging in your life? Remember, unabated sin not only hinders others from coming to the Lord, it prevents us from living the abundant life Jesus promises. Let us pay attention to the work the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives, that our witness to the world (and to ourselves) is one that honors our Lord.
Next week we will be looking at Jesus' encounter with Nicodemus in John 3:1-21. I look forward to seeing you all!
Sunday, I also announced a return to "pre-covid" communion, where we will be passing the elements during the service. A small batch of pre-packaged elements will be available for those who remain cautious. Thank you for your patience in all this.
Last, but not least, I want to thank all who supported the development of the youth center across the street. There were certain criteria we needed to meet in order to proceed. We did not meet them. At this point, the project across the street will move forward with the Jewish Chabad alone. Please pray for them as they prepare to go through the process with the city, praying for approval that they might have a permanent home here in Coronado. It has been a long and difficult process, but we will move forward with confidence that God is at work in our neighborhood continues.
You are a blessing to me!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Good Wednesday to you!
I believe in miracles. Do you?
There are many miracles recorded in the Bible, and many more down through history. I shared on Sunday the miracle of my mother living 30 years more when she was given 6 weeks to 6 months to live after her cancer surgery. Many of you have your own miracle stories to tell.
This past Sunday we looked at the first miracle Jesus performed during His earthly ministry – turning water into wine. Taking the stone jars of water used for external purification rites and turning that water into wine, Jesus foreshadows the sacrament of communion. External purification without internal transformation is an exercise in futility.
This past Sunday we looked a little deeper into the various atonement theories. That God desires to be reconciled with the world God created is clear throughout the Bible. As I have repeatedly said, I have five fundamental truths I rest my faith upon: Jesus is fully God and fully man, the Bible is the first and final authority in all areas of life and faith, Jesus died on the cross for our sins (atonement), Jesus bodily rose from the grave three days later, and one day, Jesus will bodily return to fully establish His kingdom.
While some miracles truly defy the laws of nature, other miracles are born of generosity. At the beginning of the service on Sunday, Ken Ireland challenged us to "imagine" a youth facility (complete with 28 parking spaces) just across the street from our sanctuary. This next Sunday we will be asking for pledges (to be paid over the next two years) to make that imagination become a reality. We are hoping to raise $2.5 million in pledges. We have a short window to commit to this project or lose the opportunity. This would be a miracle of generosity! Please prayerfully consider your participation in this project and if you are willing, fill out this commitment form. For more information on this project, please contact Ken Ireland.
This next week we will be looking at the uncomfortable topic of sin through the lens of John 2:12-25. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Come and See
Good Wednesday to you,
We cannot help but share good news with our friends and family. When something great happens, one of the very first things we want to do is share with someone. It can be anything we get excited about like about getting our braces off. It could be something we learned that changes the way we think about the world (or God’s Word). In the case of the Joseph family, it's the exciting news of adding a puppy to the "pack." No matter what the news is, we want to share it!
The good news Philip shared with Nathanael was (and still is) the greatest news in all of human history. It was the same news, just days before John the Baptist announced, "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" As soon as Philip (and Andrew) sees who Jesus really is—he cannot help but invite others to come and see.
Can you imagine the joy Philip experienced when the Holy Spirit confirmed in him that Jesus was in fact the "one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote"? Philip was waiting his entire life for the Messiah. I cannot help but think that maybe Philip (and others) thought they would never see the Messiah in their lifetime. Upon finding Jesus, Philip could not keep this good news to himself. The joy was so overflowing; he had to share it!
Do you remember the overwhelming joy you felt when you found Jesus? The moment you realized you are loved by God—so much that God sent Jesus to take on the consequence of sin on your behalf because through Jesus there is peace with God! What a beautiful day! What beautiful good news! Good news we cannot keep to ourselves—just like Philip shared with Nathanael. Not only did Philip share the good news, but he invited Nathanael to "come and see."
The world is filled with Nathanael's who deeply need to meet Jesus. What will you do with the beautiful news of God's love and forgiveness through Jesus? Will you keep it to yourself, or will you invite the Nathanael in your life to "Come and See" Jesus in your life?
Again, I am thankful for all your encouraging words on Sunday. Worshiping together is a tremendous blessing. More good news…next Sunday, we are moving into John chapter 2!
Pastor John
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Good Wednesday to you!
Loving a fine piece of furniture and being able to make fine furniture are two different things. It takes a master builder to create a masterpiece. Similarly, people love Jesus, but have no idea how to help someone else understand and love Jesus. In order to make disciples (think the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20), one must first be a disciple. This past Sunday we looked at the transformation of John the Baptizer's disciples becoming disciples of Jesus (John 1:29-34). The transformation came about as they accepted the invitation of Jesus to "come and see" where He was staying. Transformation comes from spending time with Jesus.
I talked about the difference between devotional reading of Scripture (reading a chapter or two in one setting, which helps us to love Jesus more) and studying Scripture (looking up words and names, and thinking deeply and meditating on what we are reading) which helps us grow in the knowledge of who Jesus is. What does it mean when we read that Jesus is "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world," or "Rabbi," or "Messiah?" Do you remember the three ways Messiah is defined in the Old Testament? (Prophet, Priest, and King) Jesus is all three.
Taking the time to look and think deeply about Jesus is vital if we are going to have an answer to give to those who ask us for a reason for the hope that we have. We need to be able to do it with gentleness and respect. Our "deep dive" into John is designed to help us along that journey. When someone comes up and asks you about Jesus, you will have the tools to answer in ways that honor God.
Speaking of tools, here are a couple of websites you can use in your study time: Bible Gateway, Bible Study Tools, The Bible.
Of course, you are free to search the internet yourselves. There are abundant resources out there to assist you in your spiritual growth.
Next week the focus will shift from being a disciple to making disciples. The Scripture reading will be John 1:43-51.
I hope you are having a good day, and I hope to see you soon.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Atonement (pt. 2)
Good Wednesday to you!
This past Sunday we looked a little deeper into the various atonement theories. That God desires to be reconciled with the world God created is clear throughout the Bible. As I have repeatedly said, I have five fundamental truths I rest my faith upon: Jesus is fully God and fully man, the Bible is the first and final authority in all areas of life and faith, Jesus died on the cross for our sins (atonement), Jesus bodily rose from the grave three days later, and one day, Jesus will bodily return to fully establish His kingdom.
Questions about what happened on the cross and why it was necessary for Jesus to die upon the cross has given us many theories – moral influence, ransom, Christus Victor, satisfaction, penal substitute, government, and others. While there is no place in Scripture that gives us the precise answer to atonement questions, we are given many "pieces" to the puzzle that help us to form our understanding of atonement. I provided several verses and suggested you look each one up and read it in context.
Here they are…
Romans 3:25, 4:25; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:13-14; Ephesians 2:15-16; Colossians 2:13-15; Hebrews 8:22; 1 Peter 2:24, 3:18; 1 John 2:1-2; and, the one that speaks loudest about why Jesus suffered and died, Isaiah 53:10 – it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer. Spend some time looking at each of these verses in context and see what you think.
The sacrificial system in the Old Testament is set up (in my opinion) to communicate that sin has consequences. The greater the sin, the greater the consequence, the greater the suffering. Sin separates us from God and the more we sin the more we will suffer. No one suffered more than Jesus. And He did it because it was the Father's will (Luke 22:42). It was the only way.
We may never fully understand that this side of eternity, but suffice it to say, God did it because God loves us that much. Knowing what Jesus has done for us, what can we do in grateful response? We can become His disciples. Next week we will look at what it means to be called into a discipleship relationship with God, looking at John 1:35-42.
Good news! We have resumed the "Coffee Connection" between services! Coffee and donut holes have finally returned. If you (and a friend or two) would be willing to host this fellowship opportunity, click here and we will "put you to work!" If you have any questions, feel free to email me!
I will be holding a new members/inquirer's class on March 26 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. I have many names of people who are interested. Click here to make sure you are on the list.
As my retirement draws closer (January 1, 2023), I want to encourage you all to pray for me, for the process of selecting a new pastor, for the people of our community, and for the pastor God will bring to continue the ministry. Remember, pray for the pastor you want!
I hope the rest of your day is blessed.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
Atonement (pt. 1)
Good Wednesday to you!
Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29)
Surely, that statement shook those who first heard it. What could it mean? Who was this man? Why would God need a "Lamb?" The image of the Passover Lamb combined with the sacrifices offered on the Day of Atonement would have collided in their minds. For us, we also remember Jesus in the garden, praying for "this cup" to pass, but not His will but the Father's will to be done. Could Jesus have been thinking about the substitute Abraham received when he was about to sacrifice his son, Isaac? There would be no substitute for Jesus because Jesus is our substitute.
What was accomplished on the cross? Why was it necessary? If you were to do an internet search on "atonement theories", you would come up with at least a half a dozen or more. What we know is that through the cross, we are reconciled, pardoned, forgiven, healed, and restored in our relationship with God.
Next Sunday we will "soak" in these verses (John 1:29-34) a bit longer and examine the reasons behind the cross. I would encourage you to spend some time reading and thinking about this first chapter of John. We will be here for a couple more weeks.
Blessings to you all,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
He > I
Good Wednesday to you!
Thanks to all who helped make Scottish Presbyterian Heritage Sunday a success! We had a great time with all the shortbread, sausage rolls, and rutabagas, and, of course, haggis! (Thanks, Reavies!) The bagpipes, the food, and all the kilts made this past Sunday very special.
We took a deep dive into the reformations, not just the Protestant Reformation. God's people have been involved in reformation (a call to return to our first love) since the Garden. The four questions that led to the Protestant Reformations (remember, there were several) were – How is a person saved, where does religious authority lie, what is the church, and what constitutes essential Christian living? These four questions led to the "Five Solas." Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, and To The Glory of God Alone sum up the Reformer's response to the four questions.
Ultimately, it is about returning to the authority of Scripture as the first and final authority in matters of life and faith. In Scripture we learn that it is faith in the work of Christ on the cross, giving us grace all for the glory of God.
Too easily, we allow ourselves, or the institution we now call "the Church," to come between Jesus and us. The challenge is to remember we are always reforming, always returning to Scripture, always returning to the work of Jesus as the basis of our salvation and our life together as the Church.
Next week we will begin tackling the doctrine of atonement. It will be at least a two-part sermon. This Sunday we will also celebrate communion together.
This Saturday, February 12, our Men's Ministry is having a Dads' Breakfast. Join other dads for an informational breakfast for growing and learning about some of the challenges before our culture. You will be given practical tools to help you and your family take back the joy of being together. If you would like to join us, please RSVP to Ken Ireland by Thursday, February 10th.
Thank you all for your ongoing faithfulness. I pray your day is blessed.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
The Lord Incarnate
Good Wednesday to you!
In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. (1)
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (14)
For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only who is at the Father’s side, has made Him known. (17,18)
These four verses from John's prologue make it clear that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate. This represents an amazing shift in the universe, as the God of all creation breaks into history to personally reveal Himself to us. When the sin and disobedience entered the world, humanity began to decay. Left to our own devices, we would ultimately be destroyed. Through the Incarnation, God brings healing, redemption, and reconciliation into the world. Jesus not only brings all this, He shows us how we are to live with one another and with God.
A couple of books I recommended on Sunday were Gary Moon's "Apprenticeship with Jesus," and Athanasiuss "On the Incarnation," with an introduction by C.S. Lewis. I think you will enjoy both.
Next Sunday we are celebrating our Scottish Presbyterian Heritage! Break out your kilts and bake up some shortbread. (The recipe is in last Sunday's bulletin.) We will have sausage rolls and haggis as well as Bagpipes! As promised, our text will be John 1:19-28. Also, we will be rolling out our new livestream format. Those watching remotely will be able to choose either the 9:00am service or the 10:30am service. Thank you for your patience as we work this out.
While I have been talking about retiring for some time now, this past Sunday I made it official. My final Sunday will be January 1, 2023. That date will put me into my 30th year here at Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, and I think that is long enough for any congregation to put up with one pastor. Our plan is to travel around the country for a year, living out of Air B&B's for a month at a time. In the second year, we hope to spend six months in Italy and six months in Scotland. Year three? We'll see!
But, remember this: God loves this worshipping community more than any of us. God is Sovereign, and God has a plan. I would invite you to begin even now praying for the person God has already chosen to lead this congregation. God is faithful. Let us be faithful as well. But, HEY, I'm not gone yet. We have the rest of the year together!
You are a blessing. I look forward to seeing you next Sunday.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!
The Witness
Good Wednesday to you!
It was so nice to be back in the sanctuary this past Sunday. Even though I was able to be "virtually present" the week before, it is just not the same thing. What a joy to worship in person. I know, with all the variants out there, not everyone is comfortable with in-person worship. That is why we are still live streaming the service. We are working on improving the process. Please remember, media production is not (yet) a seminary class! When you are comfortable returning, we will be here!
On Sunday, I talked about the witness of John, the baptizer. As the last of the Old Testament prophets, he was calling people back to the Lord, preparing them for the coming Messiah. His idea of what the Messiah would be was not perfect. But, he knew that he was a witness to the Light, not the Light himself. I used the analogy of a Polaroid camera (remember those?). Once the picture is taken, it took some time for the picture to develop. The same is true for us. Once we read the Gospels, we have a "picture" of Jesus, but as we continue reading the Gospels, the "picture" we have of Jesus becomes clearer and clearer. That is why we spend time in the Gospels.
Each of us has a story with regard to Jesus. What He is doing in our lives becomes our testimony, our witness. We want our witness to have credibility. That witness must be consistent with the portrait we see in Scripture. Inviting others to see for themselves is a wonderful way to share Jesus with others. I have a handful of small booklets containing the Gospel of John, if anyone wants one to give to a friend. First come, first serve.
We had 28 women show up for the Ladies' Bible Study on Monday morning! Well done! A big thanks to Kelli Boutros and Patti Ireland for coordinating the event. If you are interested in this monthly gathering, click here for more information, or contact Kelli Boutros.
This Friday night we are having our Annual Congregational Meeting. The meeting is at 6:00pm, followed by a catered dinner. If you have not RSVP’d yet, you have until midnight tonight. We must give the caterer an accurate number come Thursday morning.
This coming Sunday we will take our "deep dive" into the Incarnation. We will still be in John 1:1-18. Jesus, fully human and fully God at the same time is an overwhelming concept. I hope you will join us live or via livestream this coming Lord's Day. I promise that the following Sunday we will move to verse 1:19 and beyond!
I hope your day is blessed!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!