Our Invitation is Open to All
Discover GMPC
Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church
975 C Avenue, Coronado, CA 92118
Church Office: (619) 435-6860
Explore GMPC
Join us on Sundays!
Traditional Style | Sundays @ 9 am | Sanctuary
This service incorporates the more structured, liturgical styles of worship. If you are looking for traditional Christian hymns, organ music, recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, or an Assurance of Pardon, this is the service for you.
Blended Style | Sundays @ 10:45 am | Sanctuary
This service incorporates both the traditional and more contemporary styles of worship. If you are looking for more contemporary song lyrics, congregational prayer, or a more free-flowing, family-style service, this is the service for you.
Spanish Worship Service | Sundays @ 12:45 pm | Sanctuary
This service incorporates both the traditional and more contemporary styles of worship, completely in Spanish, led by Pastor Raul Palomino.
Not able to join us in person? Click Here for our livestream page.
Website Updates
Our website is getting a fresh update to enhance your online experience. Some links and pages may be temporarily unavailable. We appreciate your patience during this makeover and will announce when the updates are complete. In the meantime, if you need any information that’s currently inaccessible, please don’t hesitate to contact the church office.
Take Them A Meal
Meals are needed to help our sister in Christ, Holly Swanson. Whether you're a culinary chef, a self-made cook, or a whiz at ordering online, we need you! To assist in a bringing a meal for Holly and Dan, please click here.
Thank you for your support in this ministry.
Pastoral Search
The Reverend Doctor David McElrath, beloved pastor of Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church in Coronado, retired on January 1, 2023, after 30 years of service to this congregation and community. The Reverend David Rodriguez arrived on March 1, 2023, to serve out as Interim Pastor.
The process of calling a new pastor is a multi-staged process in the Presbyterian Church and involves the congregation prayerfully discerning what the mission of their church is now and where they believe God would have their mission go in the future. Potential pastors can then be matched to the congregation, examined by a Pastor Nominating Committee as representatives of the congregation, and then recommended to the members of the congregation to choose and call the pastor they believe God wants to lead them.
To view the summarized 2023 Survey Results CLICK HERE
To view the Mission Study CLICK HERE
To view the Pastoral Search Timeline CLICK HERE
2025 Vacation Bible School
July 14-18 l 9:00 am - 12:00 pm l GMPC Campus
Join us for one of the best weeks of the year, July 14-18, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the GMPC Campus! Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade will experience Bible adventures, exciting games, engaging STEM lessons, tasty snacks, lively worship, and the chance to make new friends. This year’s theme is True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World.
Don’t miss out – we’d love to have you with us! To register, please contact Rebecca Smith. Space is limited, and the registration fee is $50.
Weekly Sermons
Stream or download our archive of Island ReCast podcast sermons and subscribe to stay updated!
Who We Are
Learn more about who we are and what makes us GMPC. View our mission, beliefs, staff, and more.
Group Ministries
Where members of our congregation meet and strengthen their relationships with Jesus and each other.