Elders & Deacons

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”
Hebrews 13:7

The Session:
Board of Ruling Elders

The word Presbyterian comes to us from presbuteros (also seen as presbyteros), the Greek word for elder. The Presbyterian church government is reliant upon the work of its elders, and collectively, the elders form a body known as Session.

Numerous biblical passages refer to elders as ministers. Today, however, Presbyterian elders are elected officials of faith, dedication, and good judgment. Both men and women may serve as elders. An elder’s lifestyle should demonstrate Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world. Elders exercise church leadership, government, and discipline. They strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge. And although elders are mature Christians, they need not be of a specific age in order to hold office.

The Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Nominating Committee considers candidates willing to accept elder responsibility for three-year terms and submits those names to Session for approval during the last quarter of the calendar year. At the annual congregational meeting, the fourth Friday in January, the Session Moderator (the pastor) presents elder candidates to the congregation for a vote. That is, a committee of Session nominates elders, but the congregation elects the nominated elders as their representatives.

Our church has three groups of five elders, for a total of 15, at all times. If an elder requests resignation before his/her term expires, Session fills the vacancy in the same manner as original elections—the Nominating Committee recommends a new candidate, who is then elected at the next or a specially called congregational meeting.

Elders may serve two consecutive three-year terms. After the second term, elders are ineligible for re-election for a period of one year. Once inducted, an elder bears his or her title for life. However, only elders currently serving in a term of office may serve on Session.

Session carries out church business duties through committees headed by either elders or deacons appointed by the Session Moderator. Committee members include other elders, deacons, and general members of the congregation. While only elders and deacons may chair any of the eight standing committees, any church member may attend committee meetings, except the Nominating and Personnel committees, whose conversations are confidential.

Graham Memorial Church Session


Richard Dukes

Tom Mitchell

Don Steuer

Jauhree Walker

Art Wilcox


Russ Allen

Brian Baller

Monica Piepenkotter

Doug Reavie

Dan Swanson


Cindy Albert

Dawn Dugas

Ken Ireland

Lee Reisinger

Chipp Wilfong

 As the executive branch for the church mission and government, elders share the following responsibilities:

  • assisting the pastor in baptisms

  • assisting the pastor in deacon and elder ordination

  • establishing the annual church budget

  • managing church property

  • overseeing worship and sacrament of each worship service

  • providing employment of non ordained staff

  • providing for church program administration

  • providing leadership presence at church functions

  • receiving new church members

  • serving Holy Communion

  • supervising church preschool and educational programs

  • witnessing to others

The Clerk of Session keeps minutes of all Session meetings and maintains membership rolls, among other records. The Presbytery Of San Diego receives a copy of and reviews all church Session minutes and requires Session to hold meetings at least once each quarter. The Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Session meets monthly, except July.

Church members seeking Nominating Committee consideration of candidacy as an elder may review a complete description of elder attributes and duties in the Book Of Order. The next step would be to register interest with the chair of the Nominating Committee or any ruling (currently serving elder), who will forward the names of elder candidates to the Clerk Of Session for referral to the Nominating Committee chair for consideration.

Our Session Offices & 2024 Officers

Christian Education Committee, Doug Reavie

Congregational Life Committee, Richard Dukes

Finance Committee, Richard Dukes

Military Ministry Committee, Cindy Albert

Missions Committee, Cindy Albert 

Property Committee, Lee Reisinger

Nominating Committee: Chipp Wilfong

Outreach, Richard Dukes

Personnel Committee, Don Steuer

Security Committee, Ken Ireland

Tech Committee, Brian Baller

The Board of Deacons 

Deacons are the pastor’s thirteen (though usually fifteen) extra pairs of hands, feet, eyes, and ears. Each May, the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church Nominating Committee submits to Session five church-member candidates to serve three-year terms as deacons beginning the following January. Deacons may serve two consecutive three-year terms. After the second term, they are ineligible for re-election for a period of one year. One member of the Board of Deacons accepts responsibility as Moderator of the Board. Church members do not have to wait to be considered for nomination. Any member who feels a calling to serve in the compassionate capacity of deacon may contact the Moderator of the Board of Deacons at any time to request future nomination. Email the Moderator.

Although deacons may be any age over 21, either male or female, they share two characteristics that are obvious in all that they say and do: they love people, and they love helping people in need. A complete description of deacon attributes and duties appears in the Book Of Order, the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church USA. But below are examples of outreach that Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church deacons provide:

  • coordinate and dispense emergency food, housing, and transportation

  • mentor new church members and non-members

  • prepare the Holy Communion table for service once each month

  • promote use of name badges at worship services

  • provide confidential intercessory prayer

  • serve Holy Communion to those unable to attend worship services

  • sponsor postage for Church Note Writers

  • visit ill and disabled church members and friends in the community

Graham Memorial Active Deacons


Mike Dykstra

Rodrigo Fernandez

Andy Koczon

Holly Swanson


Marty Almquist

Matt Heidt

Anna Paul

Jane Reavie


Andi Baker

Mary Jane Wilfong

Deacon Ministries


Best PCS Ever!
Coffee Connection
Fellowship Dinners
Note Writers


Donna Dameron,
Donna Dameron & Jane Reavie
Rodrigo Fernandez & Mary Jane Wilfong
Andi Baker, Jane Reavie, & Dana Wilcox
Mary Jane Wilfong & Jane Reavie
All Deacons


Memorial Services
Prayer Team
Ushers & Greeters


Andy Koczon & Mary Jane Wilfong
Mary Jane Wilfong
Jane Reavie
Dana Wilcox
Marty Almquist & Matt Heidt
Matt Heidt & Andy Koczon

Is there something we can help you with? Are you in need of prayer, practical help, or simply a friend to talk to? The Board of Deacons is always standing by and ready to serve you and your family.