“Mother’s Day”

I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. 2 Timothy 1:3-5

In this passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul is writing to a young pastor named Timothy. Paul was close friends with Timothy’s family, and he considered Timothy his spiritual son. Timothy’s biological father was not a follower of Jesus. However, Timothy’s mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois were. These two women had a profound impact on Timothy’s life as they nurtured his faith in the Lord.

This Mother’s Day we have much to celebrate as we remember the important role that women have played in helping us to become mature adults and followers of Jesus. Women who have been a grandmother to us like Lois was to Timothy. Women who have been a mother to us like Eunice was to Timothy.

My mother went to be with the Lord in 1998. Since then, God has brought women into my life who have been a mother to me. The first person was a cousin who was more like an aunt to me growing up because of our age difference. Her name is Meli, and she is from our family home in Spain. She is a godly woman who loves the Lord who has always been with me during the major events in my life, especially when my mother died.

More recently, a woman named Rhoda became a mother figure to me. She recently went to be with the Lord, and I was honored to take part in her memorial service last month. I had known Rhoda for over 40 years, and she was the mother of a close friend of Cathy and mine. I always looked up to Rhoda as a faithful woman who also loved the Lord. During these past two years, we became prayer partners, and I grew in my faith as I spent time with her.

We all need a mother in our lives. I encourage you to ask God to bring someone like this into your life if you do not already have one. I also encourage you to become someone like this for a person who is looking for a mother.

This congregation is blessed by God with many faithful, godly women who can be a mother figure. Not all of us have grandmothers like Lois or mothers like Eunice. But God has placed us in the life of a child. Spend time with them, listen to them, play with them, tell them about how much Jesus loves them. Regardless of how old they are.

In Christ,

Pastor David


“Gift Of The Holy Spirit”


“National Day of Prayer”