“Be A Blessing”

Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. Jeremiah 29:7


Next Sunday we will be celebrating the Fourth of July during the worship services. You are all invited to wear your uniforms, medals, and anything else you would like to celebrate the founding of our nation. We will be giving thanks to God and praying for our country.


God has placed us here to be a blessing to our nation. God has called each of us to pray and work for the good of our country.

As we help others to know the Prince of Peace, our nation will be known as a place of peace. As we help others to experience God’s grace and mercy, this land will be known as a place of grace and mercy. As we help others to experience the forgiveness that comes through knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, this land will be known as a place of forgiveness.

It all starts with prayer. I invite you to pray that the Holy Spirit will start a revival in Coronado that will spread across our nation. May God enable us to be a blessing to the USA.

In Christ,

Pastor David


“Live At Peace With Everyone”