“Reaching Families For Jesus”

The leadership at GMPC has been having discussions regarding our outreach to families and young people in our community. We are committed to helping them experience the love and salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In our discussions, we have decided to add three new staff members to provide programs for families and young people from ages infant through young adult. We have also decided to make some changes in the second worship service that will enhance our ministry to these families and young people.

The first change was in the order of worship. We now sing praise songs before the children’s sermon rather than after the children’s sermon. This was done to help the children to start praising God at the beginning of the service instead of waiting until after their message.

The next change was to add more instruments to the praise team. You have already noticed the addition of drums, bass, and lead guitar. This was done to increase participation in the singing of worship songs to the Lord. As the Scriptures tell us in Psalm 150:

“….praise Him with the strings and pipe, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals.”

Another change will happen on October 8. We’re changing the time of the second service from 10:30 am to 10:45 am. This will make it easier for families to find parking spaces and enjoy the fellowship of the first service attenders during the coffee connection.

In addition, we’re making a change to give parents the choice of having their children stay with them in the sanctuary or leave the sanctuary after the children’s sermon.  Starting on October 15, our new Children’s Program Director, Sarah Murphy will lead Graham J.A.M. (Jesus And Me) during the second service, in the Garden Room of the Christian Education Building. Parents can choose to have their children leave the sanctuary after the children’s sermon and participate in a worship service that is designed for children in grades K-5th. Parents will then pick up their children at the CE Building after the worship service. Please note: Children are always welcome to stay in the sanctuary during the worship service. Especially when they are praising God with loud voices. 

Please pray for the families and young people of our community. Please pray that we will be able to reach them for Jesus.

In Christ,

Pastor David

Click here for Sunday, Oct 1, 2023 | 9:00AM sermon.

Click here for Sunday, Oct 1, 2023 | 10:30AM sermon.

Open House in the Manse

Pastor David and Cathy would like to invite you to the Kirk House for an Open House in the Manse on Sunday, October 8, 2023, from 1:00PM-4:00PM.

We welcome you to come see the manse and to enjoy some refreshments while spending time with friends.


“Pointing Others To Jesus”


“Jesus Loves You”