Birds of a Feather

Good Wednesday to you,

Holding on to our faith in the midst of trials and tribulations is difficult, but we must. Asking for godly wisdom can help us as we sort through the cultural influences that seek to dominate our thinking and our lives. Wisdom from above is essential in our time, lest we find ourselves "friends of the world" rather than friends of God. James gives us a description of the "problem" in verses 4:1-5. Verse 4:6 is our transition to the solution which comes in verses 4:6-10.

I suggested that the "True Church" should strive to "flock together" in order to keep each other strong and focused on wisdom from above. I believe the "True Church" is focused on three things: Jesus, Scripture, and the Holy Spirit. Rather than squabble over divisive issues, let us focus on our relationship with Jesus. As we grow closer to Jesus, we will grow closer to one another.

"Come near to God and God will come near to you" (4:8). Never forget that God forgives (nothing can separate us from the love of God – NOTHING!), God redeems (He can redeem anything for His purposes), and God transforms (we are not yet what we have been created to be, but by God’s grace we are no longer what we once were). In Jesus, we have the hope the world desperately needs. Let us "flock together," coming nearer to God that the world might see Jesus in all of us! Next week we will complete the fourth chapter of James, taking a look at the fragility of life (James 4:11-17). It will also be communion Sunday. If you are watching the livestream, be sure to have your elements at the ready!

Good news! The choir will begin practicing tomorrow night in the sanctuary at 7:00pm. Come out to sing or come out to listen. We are hoping for a return of the choir on Sunday morning on October 3.

An adult Sunday school class – "Survey of the New Testament" – will start up on Sunday, September 19, co-taught by Brianna and Megan Smith. We will see a return of the "box" that same Sunday at the 10:30 service. Please continue praying for us as we move into the new fall schedule.

I cannot thank you enough for all your prayers and support.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


Fragile: Handle with Care

