Cross Purposes
Good Wednesday to you,
"Act naturally;" "terribly good;" "Plastic glasses;" "jumbo shrimp." Some words should not go together, and yet they do. These pairings are called oxymoron, or paradoxical. Our faith includes such pairings: "the first shall be last and the last shall be first." If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, be servant to all. And of course, we have life through the death of Jesus.
Sunday we looked at the importance of "shed blood" for the forgiveness of sin, and Jesus being the perfect sacrifice for us. Even in communion, we noted that we acknowledge His broken body, given for us; the New Covenant: His blood poured out for the forgiveness of our sins. His death became the means though which righteousness became ours. His death put into effect His last will and testament. Pause that think about that for a bit.
Too quickly, but importantly, we do not dwell just on Christ’s sacrificial death. Three days later, we celebrate His resurrection. He adjudicated His own "last will and testament!" We know He blazed a trail we could never find on our own. Into the very presence of God, the eternal "Holy of Holies," Jesus enters on our behalf, granting us access now and forever more. Life through death. Amazing grace. We need to hold these two together, no matter how much it seems like an oxymoron or a paradox.
Next Sunday we will continue looking at the significance of this sacrifice given once for all. You can get a head start by reading Hebrews 10:1-18 ahead of Sunday. These are difficult passages of Scripture for us. This is the "meat" the author is referring to in Hebrews 5:11-14; it is worth a quick read as a reminder.
Slowly, but surely we are re-opening according to State guidelines. We want to ensure the wellbeing of every worshipper who enters our sanctuary. Please come if you are comfortable. Please continue watching the live stream until you are. We are here for you. I have received both shots and I am considered fully vaccinated. If you would like a pastoral visit, please let me know. You have been in my heart and prayers since the beginning of all this and I would consider it a great joy to see you face-to-face when possible.
On another note, our online directory is moving forward. If you have not yet opted in, you can do so by clicking here. I am grateful for those who have already given us the "green light." Once we get the online directory up and running, we will begin helping folks include a picture along with their information.
Your prayers and support mean more than you will ever know. Please know we are praying for all of you.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.