Good Wednesday to you,
This past Sunday I said, “As we speak, we teach others what we think and believe.” As such we are all “teachers” of a sort. When the Scripture says, “Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers (and sisters), because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly,” we should all sit up and take notice.
In striving to be both hearers and do’ers of the Word, we to need constantly maintain our internal (The Holy Spirit) and external (The Word of God) authorities. Otherwise, culture will assume a greater authority in our lives and, ultimately, lead us astray. As I said on Sunday, I need you to hear what I preach and hold me accountable as I hold you accountable. That way, we all grow together. While God loves us where we are, God does not want us to remain there, but to transform us into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, so others can see the love of God through us.
This next Sunday we will finish looking at the third chapter of James (3:13-18) and the importance of godly wisdom over the wisdom of the world.
I remain grateful, beyond words, for all the prayer support and financial support you have provided to keep Graham Memorial moving forward. As we transition from the pandemic to dealing with an endemic, we need to continue being gracious toward one another. An endemic is now a part of our lives. We know what COVID is and we are learning to live with it responsibly. No amount of vaccine will ever eliminate COVID from our world. Therefore, no shaming (pro mask vs no mask; pro vax vs no vax) should ever take place among God’s people. Respectful conversation is always in season.
I covet your prayers. (I need the prayers and you need the practice! :) ) You are a blessing. I am thankful. May your speech always be consistent with your life.
P.S. Calling all dads! Join us this Saturday morning in the Parish Hall at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast. You’ll be treated to a home-cooked breakfast, fellowship, and stimulating conversations. RSVP appreciated, but not required!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!