Operation Restoration
Good Wednesday to you,
Returning something to its original condition can be challenging. The temptation is to try to make it even better than it was before. Of course, that is a never-ending task. Just look at the world around us. It seems like everything is "new and improved," even if there was nothing wrong with the original product. (I still miss my 1967 VW bug!)
Think about the conversation in the Garden and the temptation to "be like God." The outcome was tragic. In the beginning, creation was not only good it was very good. While some in the spiritual realm may have been delighted in the separation from God brought about through disobedience, God had a plan. It was a plan for redemption and restoration. Redemption came through the Incarnation. Jesus shows us the "Face of God," teaching us how to live morally according to God’s Law, while punctuating our lives with grace. His death and resurrection complete the redemption phase, and now we find ourselves in the restoration phase.
Restoration recognizes the "already, but not yet." It is an ongoing project calling human beings into a loving, forgiven relationship with our Creator. Once in that relationship, God begins restoring the image in which we were created. (Think becoming more like Jesus day by day.) Because we are not there yet, we still see the effects of the broken relationship with God – sin, brokenness, death, and destruction. It will not always be so (Revelation 21). As we await the fulfilment of God’s plan, remember that more and more people are coming to Christ every day. Patience is called for as we look for God’s purposes in the midst of pain and suffering. Next week we will continue to examine this amazing relationship we have with Jesus, looking into Hebrews 2:10-18.
Speaking of next week, we will also be celebrating our Scottish Presbyterian Heritage. Even though we cannot yet meet indoors, we will still don our kilts and bring in a bagpiper to mark the day! So break out your plaid and shortbread, and prepare to celebrate!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are incredibly grateful.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.