Mary, Did You Know?
Good Wednesday to you,
I hope you enjoyed the choir's Christmas concert as much as I did. It is always a wonderful way to celebrate the season and hear the marvelous work of our choir director, Kimberlee Joseph, the guest musicians, and the Chancel Choir. I always look forward to this concert. It remains the best sermon I never preach!
Christmas is in just three days, which means our Christmas Eve services are this Friday. We are hoping for good weather as our children and family service is outdoors at 4:00pm. The traditional candlelight service will be indoors at 6:00pm, and it will be live-streamed.
Sunday we have our annual hymn sing. Come prepared to sing Christmas favorites as we gather for the final Sunday of the year.
It is not too late to give a year-end-gift to Graham, or to participate in the "Alternative Christmas Market." As always, thank you for your generous support. Without your faithful prayers and support, and God's grace, this last year might have looked very different.
We continue to pray for you all with much gratitude.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David