The Greatest of These

Good Wednesday to you!

The first century religious leaders in Israel were a divided lot. While some wanted to maintain the status quo, others longed for more. Nicodemus was one such leader. By night he sought the "Light." He went to Jesus, who knew exactly what he wanted – what will it take for us to see the kingdom of God restored? Jesus responded, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

I know that when that phrase is used (born again), some people toss up "walls." I mention my reaction to Chuck Colson when he used it. (I failed in the first service to acknowledge the great work Chuck Colson did for the kingdom of God, and how ministries he began are thriving today.) But what does it mean to be "born again?"

With John the Baptizer in mind, Jesus spoke of being born of water (baptism of repentance) and born of Spirit (baptism of the Spirit) as going hand-in-hand. Eternal life is available to those who have both. It is one thing to acknowledge one's sin, and even repent of it and ask for forgiveness. It is another thing to yield to the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus with obedience. To be "born again" is to be faithful and obedient to Jesus.

Why is it that some people join service organizations and then never serve? (Rino – Rotarian in name only!) I guess a similar question would be "Why to people choose to follow Jesus and then not follow Him?" (Rino – Religious in name only, or Chrino – Christian in name only.) The only way to "see the kingdom of God" is to participate. Christianity is not a "spectator sport."

Next week we will continue to look at this chapter, as John takes us back to the ministry of the baptizer. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

We will also introduce a prayer initiative called "Try Praying" on Sunday. If you come to worship on Sunday, you will leave with a booklet with that title. It is a 7-day prayer challenge for the non-religious. "Use it and lose it" will be the phrase of the day. Use it for one week, then give it to an non-religious friend. I am excited to share this with you.

I pray your day is filled with blessings!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!




Sin? Who Me?