Bread of Life (pt. I)

Good Wednesday to you,

This past Sunday we began looking at the seven "I AM" statements of Jesus:

I AM the Bread of life; I AM the Light of the World; I AM the Gate for the sheep; I AM the Good Shepherd; I AM the Resurrection; I AM the Way the Truth and the Life; I AM the Vine. All seven statements are found in the Gospel of John starting in chapter six through chapter fifteen.

Jesus said, "I AM the Bread of Life." Set in the context of the Passover Feast and Jesus feeding the five thousand, the parallels between the manna given to Israel while they wandered in the desert and Jesus' feeding the multitudes is intentional. Those who tracked Jesus down in Capernaum were not interested in anything beyond their own bellies. While physical food is necessary for us to survive, there is more to life than mere survival. Jesus offers the invitation to live in the Kingdom of God. That invitation goes beyond physical sustenance, and even beyond religious sustenance. Jesus offers to "feed" us spiritually with sustenance that comes directly from God. That "food" cannot be accessed in a grocery store. While "spiritual milk" is plentiful in churches, the "food" we need to grow spiritually comes from Jesus.

To believe in the One sent – That was the answer to the question, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" To believe in Jesus is to believe in who He is – fully human and fully God – and to take Him at His word. Studying (not just reading) His life, emulating Him, and following His instructions are key for spiritual nourishment. If we are serious about our faith, we need to be serious about knowing Jesus.

Where to start? Read chapter six of John's gospel in preparation for next Sunday when I will continue to delve into Jesus as the "Bread of Life" (John 6:35-60). If you want more (and I hope some of you do) then find the other six "I AM" statements I mentioned above and start working on understanding the context in which they were delivered. Use the tools available to you; try searching one of the statements on your computer. You’ll be amazed what comes up. (I just typed "I Am the Light of the World" into my computer and came up with over 2.5 billion "hits!") But, first be familiar with the biblical context. There are a multitude of ways to feast on the richest of fare God has to offer for the one who puts in a little time and effort. Trust me, it will be well worth your time.

For those who are interested in something a little more challenging, consider signing up for the Colson Fellows program offered here at Graham Memorial. It's intense and demanding, but you will come away with a clear biblical worldview. Jody can provide you with more information if you are interested. It has never been more important for God's people to be spiritually healthy.

Spending time with other believers is another way to strengthen one's faith. You have a great opportunity to do just that by signing up for "Island Nights: Life Beyond the Bridge." Staring Monday night, July 11-15, you will have the chance to spend time with family – your own family and your "church family." You will eat together, sing together, laugh together, and learn together about what God is doing in another part of His Kingdom. Come and get to know Aychi and his family and learn how you can connect with what God is doing in Africa. A great time will be had by all. Click here to register now!

Also, the Mack's will be here in two weeks. They are looking forward to seeing you all and enjoying Coronado this summer. They are looking to borrow some bikes (I think we have three of the five needed) to ride around Coronado during their stay. If you can help out, please let me know. With the Mack's coming, that means Jody and I will be traveling to Scotland to spend time with Pastor Keith's church in Dalkeith, Scotland. We are looking forward to seeing our Scottish friends again and sharing in God's work there as well.

The year is passing by way too fast, and Jody and I are already starting to miss you all. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to transition to retirement, and please be praying for the pastor you need (and God wants) to take you into the next season of ministry here at Graham. I cannot tell you what a blessing you are to me and my family.

I hope to see you soon!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


Bread of Life (pt. II)


Spiritual Food