The God Who Pursues Us

Good Wednesday to you (better late than never)! 
What a blessing it was to have Pastor Keith and the Mack family back from Scotland for another pulpit exchange. Par the course, Pastor Keith brought the Word and encouraged us to look for opportunities to be filled with joy. As we embark in the next several weeks, we will be studying the letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi while in prison. While many of you may be traveling, we hope that you will join us Sunday mornings for worship as we are led by Pastor Keith through a sermon series titled “Journeys of Joy.”
And, we were doubly blessed on Sunday, as we had the pleasure of hearing from Aychi Beyene and the work the Lord is doing in and through him—we live in exciting times for the “harvest is plentiful.” Next week, at Island Nights: Life Beyond the Bridge, Aychi takes us deeper into the work God is doing through him and his family. If you have not registered—there is still time. To register go to
If you have already registered, here are some key things to be aware of (and for those thinking about registering, this is for you too):

  1. Dinner begins at 5:00 PM, but come as your schedule permits. 

  2. The programming starts at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary.

  3. Mission project: Supplies for Aychi and his ministry. Do you have a well-loved suitcase? We’ll take it. Drop off at the church office this week or the first night of the event. 

    1. Objective: Fill suitcases with supplies such as: children’s shoes, school supplies, etc. 

  4. Prizes will go home with participants who complete objectives the week of. 

Please continue to keep Pastor David and Jody in your prayers as they travel and care for our brothers and sisters at St. John’s and Kings Park in Dalkeith.
Pastor John

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


Joy in the Worst of Times


The Source