Shine Like Stars

Good Wednesday (afternoon) to you,

Such a joy it has been to have Pastor Keith and his family, Donna, Sophie, Christopher, and Peter, with us this past month. As Pastor Keith said on Sunday, it's hard to believe their time is coming to an end with us—"time does fly when you're having fun!" We are truly blessed by their love for Jesus, for each other, their church family back home, and especially for us.  

Personally, as Pastor Keith preached the Word through the first two chapters in Philippians, the Spirit has pressed in on my soul, challenging me to think deeply about the joy in my life—for which I am grateful. This last Sunday, Pastor Keith pointed out that we are designed to "Shine Like Stars." 

We are God's chosen people called to follow Christ's example, just as Jesus "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness" (Philippians 2:6-7). Jesus humbled himself for which God the Father then glorified him. 

As we work to follow Christ's example of humility, we fall short because we can be very selfish. It seems everywhere we turn, we are bombarded with a "me first" mentality. Almost everything we see in advertising makes us the focal point. Isn't that what marketing is about—to remind us our lives are incomplete without their product. We become the center. What a beautiful reminder from Pastor Keith on Sunday that we are to humble ourselves and serve, rather than be served. We are to look for opportunities to put another before ourselves, just as Christ does for us. 

I can think of many examples of people in our community of faith who embody Jesus' example of humility and service. There is one who we all know and love for faithfully serving this community and loving us well. For the past 29 years, he and his family pointed us to Jesus as their source of joy and Truth. As each day, week, month, and year passed, they walked with us in our hopes and dreams, in our joy and sorrow, pointing us to Jesus and sacrificing of themselves to show us the beauty of living in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now. It’s easy to say they "Shine like Stars." Our Pastor and his family are bright and shining stars, a gift, and we thank God for Pastor David and his family. They are a permanent part of our Journey of Joy. 

One last question: did you take Pastor Keith's challenge to heart and post the verse on your refrigerator? If not, there is still time. Print this email, cut on the dotted line and stick it to your refrigerator door. Let it be a permanent reminder of the work before you towards joy—that means "no complaining or arguing."


Do everything without complaining or arguing.
Philippians 2:14



Pastor John

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


The Power and Purpose of Jesus


Joy in the Worst of Times