
Good Wednesday to you,

God has emotions. I believe God is joyful and happy, but at times sad, angry, disappointed, and frustrated (at least with me). But, God is never anxious, stressed, or fearful. Being All-powerful, All-knowing, and Ever-present, how could God possibly be anxious, stressed, or fearful?

The second week of Advent focuses on peace. On Sunday, I pointed out three different kinds of peace regarding God – there is peace with God, peace from God, and peace of God. It is the last one that Paul writes about in his letter to the Philippians. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil 4:6-7). Having no anxiety, stress, or fear would result in a very peaceful existence. God must be very tranquil, and this is the tranquility, the peace, Paul says we access when we bring all things to God in prayer with thanksgiving.

Paul goes on in verses 4:8-9 to describe how we can practically access this peace. As I read those verses (be sure to go back and read them), I am reminded of Jesus' final command to His disciples, "Love one another. As I have loved you, love one another. People will know you are My disciples by your love for one another" (John 13:34-35). Through service and sacrifice, Jesus loves us. As we serve and sacrifice for others, we effectively love others.

The Alternative Christmas Market is a way we can love others, specifically the missionaries and missions we support throughout the year here at Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church. By now, you should have received an envelope from the church that contained a letter from the Missions Committee, a description of the missionaries and missions we support, and a "shopping list." As you buy gifts for your loved ones this Christmas, I hope you will not forget to "buy gifts" for Jesus! (It is His birthday, after all.) If you did not receive a letter, you can request one or go to our website and shop. Mission is near and dear to our hearts because it is near and dear to God's heart. Your response to this event over the years has been phenomenal, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Next Sunday we continue with our Advent theme, adding to our hope and peace the lighting of the candle of joy. It's a different color. Do you know why? We will also be celebrating Communion next Sunday. Communion at Christmas is my favorite communion service. I look forward to celebrating with you on Sunday.

As a reminder, our Christmas Eve services will be at 4:30pm for the Bell Ringing service (designed for children/families to "ring in" the birth of our Savior), and 6:00pm for the traditional Candlelight service. Since Christmas falls on Sunday this year, we will be having one special service Christmas day at 10:00am for the entire family. There will be no Sunday School that morning, but trust me, our time together will be joyful and engaging for all ages. Also, will have one service on New Year's Day, my last Sunday. It, too, will be at 10:00am and may last a little longer than an hour.

Grace and peace to you all,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!




Know the Hope