
Good Wednesday to you,

As our Advent season ends, I hope your hearts were warmed by the choir's Christmas Cantata this past Sunday. As I said on Sunday, music is the fusion of right-brain and left-brain cooperation. Music is the creative expression of higher mathematics. Our choir and accompanying musicians demonstrated this brilliantly on Sunday. It was a "Breath of Heaven" amongst us.

With the fourth Advent theme of love behind us, our Advent journey will conclude this coming Saturday night with our Christmas Eve services at 4:30pm (for the Bell Ringing service, designed for children/families to "ring in" the birth of our Savior), and 6:00pm for the traditional Candlelight service. All the candles will be lit, including our final "Christ" candle, the Light of the World. Remember, we will still gather for worship this coming Sunday, but for one service only at 10:00am.

It is not too late to contribute to the Alternative Christmas Market! To date, you have "loved on our missionaries" to the tune of over $35,000! Clearly, missions is as near to our hearts as it is to God's. You can click here to donate, or drop a check (or cash) by the church office.

I hope to see you all this weekend!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


Sing to the Lord/A Final Word on Wednesday

