All God’s People Said…

Good Wednesday to You, 

What a gift! If you missed Pastor David's final worship service on Sunday, January 1, 2023, I would highly recommend tuning into our Vimeo channel to watch it online. As always, the choir filled the sanctuary with beautiful melodies. The Word proclaimed was masterfully woven together, focusing on Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus as he encouraged the church. We too were encouraged as we looked back at how we have grown in 30 years. All our worship brought joy and to the Creator, our Redeemer and Sustainer of all things seen and unseen. To God be all glory, honor, and praise! Indeed a blessed gift to us all.  

With the close of one chapter, God is at work writing the future of Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church. Many are asking, what's next? Who is God calling to lead the church at the corner of 10th and C Avenue? Those are good and fair questions that I'd like to take a few minutes to answer.  

Our Session appointed 5 elders to proceed with reviewing applications and interviewing prospective candidates for the Interim Senior Pastor. They are charged with an important role in the transition of hiring an Interim. I am confident, as you should be as well, that God is holding us close and that those whom the Lord called into leadership are seeking the Holy Spirit for guidance, strength, and courage. In the days ahead, continue to keep the church staff and leadership in your prayers. 

As Presbyterians, we cling to "order"—for we worship a God of Order. There is nothing God does which is not purposeful or orderly. The opening pages of Scripture reveal a God who ordered the universe, placed the stars, the moon, and the sun in place to bring order to seasons on earth. We see a God who created vegetation, animals, and humanity, all in order; and they too reflect order as they all reproduce "according to their kind." Order and purpose is a gift from above.  

As we move forward into the next chapter for Graham, be encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit leads the Session, our staff, and the congregation. We are one body, celebrating God's faithfulness—a gift from God. 

This coming Sunday, we return to our regularly scheduled services: 9:00am and 10:30am. We will celebrate Communion together—another beautiful gift. I pray that as we approach the Lord's Table, we will experience God's peace and healing, trusting God has not abandoned Graham. 

Pastor John

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!




Sing to the Lord/A Final Word on Wednesday