Higher Ground

Good Wednesday to you,

While climbing mountains might not be your highest priority, we all look for "higher ground" spiritually. The author of Hebrews wants the hearer/reader to recognize that Mount Zion is higher ground to Mount Sinai when it comes to spiritual understanding. Rejecting the fear-based Old Testament Covenant for the joyful-based New Testament Covenant is the basis of the passage we looked at this past Sunday (Hebrews 12:18-29). The shakable kingdom of creation will one day give way to the unshakable kingdom of God, and we have the joyful opportunity to remain faithful as we await the final fulfilment of a plan God had in the very beginning. Our challenge is to always choose joy over fear as we live out our faith day by day.

Next week we will conclude the book of Hebrews. The final chapter (13:1-25) will encourage us to properly view the world in which we live as we await the promises God has given to us. I would encourage you to give it a read before Sunday.

Many of you have expressed interest in Jody's seminar comparing Critical Race Theory to the Christian worldview. She is working away in preparation, and I will give you a date in next week's "Word on Wednesday." We want this to be an informative seminar for our faith community, so stand by for further information.

It was great to see so many faces (unmasked) this past Sunday! However, if you are not ready to return, I completely understand. We will be here when you are ready. Mask or no mask (we are not mask/vaccination police), you will be welcome in the sanctuary anytime.

In an effort to "Make It A Morning," this Sunday we will be starting an adult "Sunday School" class at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Jon Mosier and Erica Gapp will be offering an introduction to Christian apologetics using Greg Koukl's book Tactics. If you have any interest in developing a winsome approach to conversation that encourages others to think about what they believe, this class is for you!

Your ongoing support has been a tremendous blessing to us all. If I can be of any help or if you would like a visit (I'm fully vaccinated), please let me know and we can set a time to get together.

I look forward to seeing you, or be seen by you, this coming Sunday. Until then, may God watch over all of us always.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


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