Who is Christ for us this 4th of July?

Good Wednesday to you,

Freedom. Celebrating our nation's independence and freedom is a great reminder of the freedom we have in Jesus Christ. I hope you enjoyed Chaplain Ray Rivers this past Sunday as he preached about just that subject from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. He focused on verses 30-31, and the four things we have in Christ – wisdom, righteousness, sanctification (holiness), and redemption. He went on to describe the "Divine Set-up," recognizing that the difficulties we experience now are a part of God's plan to prepare us for what is to come. Please pray for the Rivers family as they move to South Korea for their next duty station.

If you were in the second service, you were blessed to see and hear Thomas Bush lead us into prayer. Thomas leads a ministry called "Prayer Assist." He and his wife, Judi, thoroughly enjoyed worshiping with us, especially the time of corporate prayer. On his way out he said to me, "Corporate prayer. Who does that?" I smiled and said, "We do."

As a reminder, Jody's class on comparing Critical Race Theory with a biblical worldview is scheduled for July 17th from 10:00am - 12:00pm. It will be either in the Parish Hall or the sanctuary depending on how many participate. This is an informational seminar for Christians and will include a brief history and some definitions; however, it will primarily be an assessment of CRT from a biblical perspective. It is not a debate. As such, we will not be advertising this to the larger community. Depending on its reception, it may be offered again. It will not be online or recorded. There will be time for Q&A during the session. If anyone would like to remain for more conversation (optional, of course), bring a lunch and join an informal discussion afterward in the Parish Hall. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Now that we have finished Hebrews, people have asked me where we are going next. I simply tell them after they have finished reading Hebrews to "turn the page." Next Sunday, I will introduce you to the book of James. Having grappled with the theology of Hebrews, James provides some solid wisdom for followers of Jesus. I hope to see you Sunday. We will be celebrating the sacrament of Communion. If you are watching the livestream, have your elements handy. We are not yet passing the elements in worship. Our deacons will provide individually packaged elements for you. Of course, you are more than welcome to bring your own.

I know some of you are reluctant to return to in-person worship. I understand. When you are ready to come back, we will be here. Slowly people are returning – some wearing masks, some not. That, too, it totally your call. There is no "mask (or unmask) shaming" on the corner of 10th and C.

Thank you for your ongoing support, both financial and in prayer. We are grateful for your faithfulness. If you would like me to come by for a visit and prayer, please let me know.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


One (Scattered) Church


A Sacrifice of Praise