Standing Firm

Good Wednesday to you,

Tricycle or bicycle? Why revert to something "Old" that has become outdated when the "New" is available to anyone who asks? Of course, the author of Hebrews is speaking to a group of Christ-followers who are contemplating just that. The author suggests that to do so, would be an act that "wounds" a Friend deeply. It would fail to see the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for what it truly is. Furthermore, it would be an insult to the Holy Spirit of Grace (God's Agency within us), who is working to restore us and creation until Christ returns.

Many of you commented on the internal-external and Divine and human structures of authority I spoke of Sunday. To repeat, there are four authority structures in our lives. Each has an impact on who we are and how we live. Two are external and two are internal. Two are of Divine origin and two are of human origin. The external authorities are God's Word (Divine origin), and a whole host of human authorities, like the law of the land, the government, teachers, parents, pastors, and cultural pressure to conform to societal trends. God's Word keeps us honest and gives us an honest assessment of the world around us and ourselves. The external authorities of human origin are all over the map and easily manipulated by others.

The internal authority structures are the Holy Spirit (of Divine origin) and our own conscience. The Holy Spirit is primarily concerned with transformation and restoration following our redemption. Our conscience falls prey to our emotions. Not that emotion is a bad thing; but since we are adept at lying to ourselves and justifying our actions based on our emotions, we must question whether or not to let our emotions master our consciences.

Our challenge is to recognize that all four are at work within us, and to prioritize them, externally and internally. I am working hard to give God’s Word (external) and the Holy Spirit (internal) a higher priority than society, teachers, pastors, government (external) and my own conscience (internal). This gives us the perspective to "stand firm," day by day, which is key to living in God’s kingdom! Looking back reminds us of the ultimate end. I’ve read the end of the book. Christ wins!

Next week we will find ourselves in the midst of great heroes of the faith as we move into the 11th chapter. Don't forget to check out the new website or sign up for our online directory.

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and your faithful participation in God’s work here at Graham and beyond. You are a blessing to me.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.


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