Tariff-fying Times

Good Wednesday to you,

This past Sunday we started a series in discipleship and looked at some pretty hard sayings of Jesus – “if anyone comes to me and does not hate…does not carry his (or her) cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:25-27). I suggest that Jesus is talking about priorities here, and the fact that suffering is a distinct possibility for those of us who will prioritize Jesus in our lives. A commitment to follow Jesus has often led to estrangement from friends and families, especially if one is coming from a different faith community. There is no chance for a “detached association” with Jesus in that context. One is either all in or not in at all.

I challenged you to identify your top three priorities, then articulate how that priority reflects your commitment to Jesus. If you are willing to share with me some of your priorities and reflections, I’d welcome it.

It is so good to be back with you. I am grateful to all who faithfully ministered to you in my absence, especially Ralph, who took it upon himself to ensure this Wednesday email made it out to you each week.

Next week we will look at the “Task of Discipleship,” focusing on Luke 15:1-10 as the sermon text. I hope to see you in worship on Sunday!

On another subject, many in our community are participating in a “beautification project” for Mar Vista High School in Imperial Beach this coming Saturday. We still need some wheel barrows, shovels and rakes, and a few able bodies to help make this a success. If you are willing to loan us any of these implements (or bodies), please let me know.

May the rest of your day (and week) be filled with blessings!

Grace and peace,

Pastor David


Engaging the World