Hebrews: An Introduction
Good Wednesday to you,
This past Sunday, I introduced you to the book of Hebrews. Remember, there is some mystery associated with this amazing book. We don’t know who the author is. We don’t really know who the intended audience was. We can only speculate when it was written.
We do know that it was written by an educated person, who wrote eloquent Greek. We know it was addressed to Jewish-background believers who had been persecuted for their faith in Jesus and were considering returning to Judaism. We know that the author wrote this "short" letter of encouragement to convince them to stay the course.
The book of Hebrews is more of a sermon than it is a letter, and as such it can encourage us. However, it can also challenge us in areas where we are weak in faith. Above all, I suggested we need to keep the end in sight as we begin this series. The final verse in the book is, "Grace be with you all" (13:25).
Our vision is to be more like Jesus. The means to accomplish this vision is spiritual discipline (prayer, Bible reading/studying, worship, acts of service – think "soul exercises"). What we sometimes lack is "intentionality." Intentionality comes with regular and deliberate exercise of our God-given gifts. This trek through Hebrews will challenge us toward greater intentionality.
I am excited about this series and I hope you are as well. This next Sunday we will look at the opening verses (1:1-4). We will also be celebrating the Lord's Supper, so prepare your elements before you join the livestream.
I look forward to "being with you" this next Sunday.
Happy New Year and God bless you all.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.