What’s the Good Word?
Good Wednesday to you,
Welcome to the book of Hebrews! This past week we looked at the first four verses of this amazing letter/sermon and I hope you were encouraged. In the midst of all the social and political upheaval we are experiencing these days, it is good to be reminded that Jesus still rules. These four verses reminded us that God has spoken. God spoke through the prophets (think Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc…) and in various ways (think Burning Bush, divided Red Sea, plagues, endless bottles of oil, etc…). However, God finally spoke through the Son (think Jesus), who is "the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word." Focus a bit on that last part; "sustaining ALL things by His powerful word!" Jesus is holding our universe together. It is not "big business," "big government," or even "deep state." Jesus alone is God. The very fact we are still here is evidence that God still has work to do through you and me! While it is important to live out our faith, it is also important to know what we believe. Hebrews will help us do just that.
I hope you will join me in grieving our current circumstances without worrying. Remember, our nation was built upon biblical principles (in spite of what you may have heard). Misquoting our Founding Fathers has become somewhat of a pastime in our educational system over the past few years. Here is a link to the Chuck Colson article mentioned Sunday.
What we need is revival. I also quoted a Wall Street Journal article (subscription required) by Tony Dungy and Benjamin Watson published January 8, 2021. If we want revival, they suggest we do five things: read the Bible through this year, pray, repent, participate in the local fellowship, and support the local fellowship with tithes and offerings. If you do not have access to a WSJ subscription and would like to read the whole article, let me know. I can print it out and mail it to you.
Next week we will finish the first chapter (Heb. 1:5-14). Please read ahead so you will be ready to wrestle with some challenging ideas.
Thank you for your faithfulness. May God bless you throughout this New Year.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now.