Mid-Term Exams

Good Wednesday to you,

While exams might not be a favorite pastime, they can serve as a measurement of how well one is doing in a particular subject. Sunday, I suggested that the book of James was sort of a "mid-term exam" for believers. How well are we doing in the subject of our faith?

James urges his readers to "consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials of many kinds." The reality is that we all deal with trials in our lives. No one is exempt. They come in many forms – physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual. I suggested that there were three sources of these trials – God (in which I want to pass to honor God), Satan (in which I want to pass so Satan doesn’t get the best of me), and my own stupidity, hubris, or arrogance (in which I want to fall on my knees, confess, learn, and do better next time).

While I might not consider these trials "pure joy," I am joyful in the knowledge that these trials are helping me to grow into spiritual maturity. Furthermore, if I am trying to understand the source or the reason of the trial, James invites me to ask God for wisdom, which will be given generously and without finding fault. Such a deal!

Whether one is rich or poor, regardless of our external circumstances, we are of value to God; we have inherent worth and dignity, being created in the image and likeness of God. God leads us in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. These are not paths of least resistance. Life can be hard, but we are never alone. Let's pass those tests and trials for the glory of God. Next Sunday we will be taking a closer look at James 1:12-26.

I want to thank all of you who expressed interest in Jody's seminar on looking at Critical Race Theory from a biblical worldview. More than 50 people gathered on Saturday to hear her. I thought she did a brilliant job. Some of you were unable to make it and wondered if she would do it again. She will. Saturday, August 14, 10:00am in the sanctuary with a "bring your own lunch" conversation to follow in the Parish Hall. If you are interested, please RSVP to Jody.

On a completely different subject, for years I have been encouraged to ditch the suit and tie during the heat of the summer. We have never had a dress code here at Graham. People dress in all different styles. I can count the number of times I've not worn a suit and tie on one hand (and have a finger or two left over). In Hawaii, they have "Aloha Friday," which is casual Friday on the mainland. What would you think about "Aloha August?" Please tell me what you think.

You continue to be a blessing in regards to your support, both in prayers and in finances. Thank you. I am grateful beyond words.

Have a great week, and I hope to see (or be seen by) you on Sunday.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


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One (Scattered) Church