Good and Perfect Gifts
Good Wednesday to you,
In life, we receive many gifts. Unfortunately, not all gifts are beneficial. The origin of the "white elephant" gift tells us that some gifts are actually intended to destroy us. James wants us to know the difference, and to remember that God is the giver of every good and perfect gift. These gifts help transform and restore us into the likeness of Jesus, resulting in the receiving of the "Crown of Life." I think James is referring to the abundant life Jesus promises in John 10:10.
The temptations we face are those things that lead to moral failure according to God's moral principles; these are the "white elephant" gifts of the enemy, or more often than not, "gifts" we give ourselves. Ultimately, left unabated, they will destroy us. Rather let us look for the good and perfect gifts God offers that we might be the "first fruits" of all God created. If you are wondering what that fruit looks like, just read (or memorize) Galatians 5:22-23.
Next week, we will complete the first chapter, verses 19-27. I would encourage you to read all of chapter one this week in preparation for Sunday.
August 15 is just around the corner. On that day we will only have one service on campus at 9:00am. At 10:30am, we will gather on the beach in front of the Hotel del Coronado to witness Tom Rice jump on his 100th birthday, landing right in front of the hotel! I hope many of us will be able to be present for this historic event!
For all those who responded to my "Aloha August" suggestion, thank you for your input. Starting next Sunday, (just for the month of August) I will not wear a suit (coat) during worship. This represents a radical departure for me. Some thought I was going to show up in shorts, flip-flops, and a Hawaiian shirt. I don’t think so. But it will be nice not to wear a coat on hot days.
Thank you all for your continued support. We are exceedingly blessed!
Have a great week. I hope to see you Sunday (live or livestream)!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David
If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!