Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Good Wednesday to you,

Mirror, mirror, on the wall… It is amazing how truthful a mirror can be. It shows us exactly what we look like in the moment. It is amazing how much God's Word is also like a mirror, showing us where we need transformation and restoration. (Remember, redemption is already ours – it's a gift!)

Looking around, we see so much inappropriate speech (reflecting the condition of the heart), combined with a lack of personal responsibility. James encourages us to be "quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger" (James 1:19). The best way to accomplish that goal is to let God's Word continually flow through our hearts and minds. A rise in biblical literacy and values is our best and only hope for the abundant life promised us in Scripture. Remember, the Bible is a "mirror" we hold in our hands. Next week we will look at James 2:1-13 and the dangers of "Fame."

Tomorrow, Steve and Sara Currey will be giving a presentation in the Parish Hall at 7:00pm. We have been supporting the mission work of the Currey's for several years. They oversee 930 church planters with Pioneers in Africa, the Middle East, and in Europe. If you are interested in joining us for an update on their ministry, please let email Steve at steve@thecurreys.org.

For those unable to attend Jody's presentation comparing critical race theory with a biblical worldview, you will have another opportunity on Saturday, August 14th, 10:00am to 12:00pm in the sanctuary. Feel free to "bring your own lunch" for further conversation in the Parish Hall following the presentation. If you are interested, please RSVP to Jody.

On August 15th we will only have one service on campus at 9:00am. At 10:30am, we will gather on the beach in front of the Hotel del Coronado to witness Tom Rice jump on his 100th birthday, landing right in front of the hotel! I hope many of us will be able to be present for this historic event! I know it is unusual to "cancel" an in-person worship service. Let me say this, anyone who jumps out of an airplane on their 100th birthday (falling on a Sunday, no pun intended) will be honored in a similar manner! :)

Keep the faith and fight the fight. We are in it to win it!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!




Good and Perfect Gifts