
Good Wednesday to you,

To mask or not to mask… to vaccinate or not to vaccinate… Just more ways to divide people. With accessibility to the vaccination, I think it is safe to say that if a person wants the vaccination, they either have it or will get it. While one may struggle with those who do not want the vaccination (for whatever reason) we still need to be respectful and kind as followers of Jesus. We cannot judge our own motives clearly, let alone the motives of others. I am vaccinated. The death rate has plummeted. If I get sick, I get sick. At some point, I will die. God alone knows that date, but it is a fate we all share. (Unless Jesus comes back.)

We live in a divisive culture, but James tells us not to play favorites. We need to recognize favoritism wherever we see it. We judge (play favorites) by how much education one has, where one shops for clothes, the kind of car one drives, or even the neighborhoods we live in. In Christ, there is no favoritism. We all have equal worth and dignity in God's sight, for we are all created in God's image. Rather than judge or show favorites, we need to reach for mercy and grace. Remember, mercy triumphs over judgment. Next week we will focus on how our faith shapes our deeds on a daily basis. We will be looking at the remaining portion of the second chapter (2:14-26).

For those who missed it the first time around, this Saturday Jody will be delivering her presentation on critical race theory and the biblical worldview. It will be held in the sanctuary from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Please RSVP and let Jody know if you are planning on attending.

On Sunday we will be holding only one service on campus at 9:00am. We will be gathering on the beach in front of the Hotel Del at 10:30am to watch Tom Rice jump and land on the beach in celebration of his 100th birthday! Tom jumps annually on June 6th to commemorate his jump with the 101st Airborne in 1944. He is already looking forward to next year's jump! Come to the beach and look for the GMPC flag. I hope to see a great crowd of the Graham Family on the beach for Tom.

Thank you for your prayers and your support. You are a blessing.

Grace and peace,
Pastor David

If you missed this Sunday’s sermon, click here to listen now!


Faith At Work


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall